Women Drivers

Here I go on the soap box about to offend another sect of people... Women, not all women just the ones that drive.

This is 100% fact; Every close encounter I've had on the road that posed the potential for an wreck involved a woman driver. She was either not paying attention or a very horrible driver.

women drivers, traffic, horror stories, driving, cory blaze, afterthelevels.com,
Case in point. Driving down the streets of North Glendale, AZ. The road was a two lane road, meaning  the left had two lanes the right had two lanes and there was a yellow middle turning lane. If you've ever driven in Arizona the roads are normally north and south east and west. Very few NE / SE way roads.

I was driving and approached a red light, the light turned green and the lady in front of me driving the side paneled minivan didn't go. So I gave her a little toot on the horn. She then began to go... very slowly. We were surrounded by traffic and we approached the next light. I immediately knew that this is going to drive me nuts because I can see through her back window she's doing everything else but paying attention to the road.

We approach an intersection that had a McDonalds on the left hand side of the road, which we were on the right hand side of the road. The light turns green, she proceeds then instead of going to the second entrance into the parking lot of the McDonalds which she could have easily accessed from the yellow turning lane, she stops an entire lane of traffic to make a left hand turn. Mind you the oncoming traffic was thick resulting in an orchestra of horns behind me. She finally makes the turn and has the nerve to flip me off.

This is what I deal with. Yes it's a small story, but I can load this site up with experience after experience with women drivers. I hate to take it to this level, but we as men pay more for insurance because we get into more accidents avoiding women drivers. I said it! Women drivers are the worst. Men driving we can almost agree that we all drive fast but safe.

Make it worse, old women drivers. When I see them I turn. I will now accept your hate mail.

1 comment:

texas approved defensive driving course said...

Women are more emotional than men. That's a fact. That's when it comes to driving, they got to be extra careful and be more controlling of their emotions if they're driving. Thanks for this by the way.