What's Eating Gilbert Grape Mom

I totally thought this woman was dead. My apologies to actress Darlene Cates. Oops.

Here's some good news. In the movie she played Arnie and Gilbert's mother. It's very well documented she a very VERY large women. When I first saw the movie with my best friend Cherryl back in the early 90's I had figured it was movie magic to make her appear so large. Well, I later learned it wasn't.. she was in fact over 500lbs during the filming of that film.

I'm a big guy, tipping the scales at 284lb, but damn 500+ pounds I couldn't imagine. But all is not lost, actress Darlene Cates is alive and well... better than most.

Recently it was released the actress Darlene Cates has lost 250lbs. Understanding how hard that can be, especially for a woman that's a feet to behold. Two hundred and fifty pounds is almost my entire existence. Wow! I was blown away when I heard this news.

darlene cates, weight loss, afterthelevels.com, cory blaze, fatguyradioshow

Grant it she's still over 300lbs, but that's a big jump down from over 500. I applaud Darlene and encourage her to stay in the fight.

I can bet it wasn't done with TV cameras and some muscle bound tight skinned educated trainer, it was her hard work. No one paid her to loose the weight, she did it because she wanted to do it! Congratulation Darlene, I solute you!