Fat & Skinny Chicks, Strong Friends or Hidden Foes?

As I drove down the street late this afternoon I happened upon two african american women. One looked to be around 20 years of age and the other, maybe, 25-30 years old. The younger looking one was thin in stature while the older looking one was a female of larger carriage.

They were both walking up the street towards a traffic light where I sat waiting for light to change for the north bound traffic. While waiting for the light, the two women arrived at the corner and they were conversing with each other. The skinny girl would say something and the fat girl would laugh, the fat girl would say something and the skinny girl would laugh.

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But underneath it all, you and I both know how catty women can be. So after the light changed and the two women disappeared into my rearview mirror, I began to question myself; Can a fat chick and a skinny chick really have a strong friendship or are they hidden foes?

From the skinny chicks perspective she may only "befriend" the fat chick to compensate for her lack in self image. By being around a fat chick, she makes herself feel better. Knowing that if she is with her fat friend and a guy starts to stare her chances on landing the guy are higher than if she was with women that were on the same caliber in looks.

From the fat chicks perspective, she has to be 110% judgmental of the fact her skinny friend can shop anywhere, looks better doing certain activities, has had more boyfriends and realtionships. So the fat chick internally hates her "friend" for her ability to get up without needing the extra grunt and arm support. The fat chick covets over her skinny friends ability to eat what she wants and the fat chick, not wanting to reveal her internal insecurities, eats everything the skinny chick does just to avoid the jealousy reveal.

From the skinny chicks perspective, she purposely eats at restaurants knowing she can easily burn off the meal, but her fat friend will circum to gaining the weight. In turn enabling the skinny chick to feel better about herself once again, yet wondering why her skinny life is so empty.

Girls, I know you think this way. If you deny it, your lying to yourself. Own it!