I Secretly Wanted a Boy

Not being a father myself, I can't help but think that there are times when fathers-to-be find out the sex of their unborn child and it's the wrong sex... or not the sex of their choice. 

expecting fathers, surprised baby, boy, girl, fathers, cory blaze, afterthelevels.com, fatguyradioshow
A friend of mine is expecting his first child. I sit with him periodically to see how his wife is progressing and how the baby is progressing. But one recent encounter with him revealed something I've always expected. 

When at lunch one cloudy afternoon in downtown Phoenix. Sitting in the widow of Carley's cafe in the  Roosevelt Art District I posed the question to my friend I always have since his announcement of his baby. "So how are things?", I asked. "Great, I'm super excited", he replied. "Are we playing basketball or taking dance lessons?", I followed in reply. "We are taking dance lessons", with an undertone of disappointment in his voice. 

Allow me to say my friend is indeed very excited about having his first child, this is his first marriage, they are very happy together and he will love his new baby girl when she enters into the world in November. But after his response coupled with the shift in his tone as he gazed a little away from the table conversation, it made me think..
Are some guys secretly disappointed when they are having a girl baby instead of a boy baby? It's an interesting concept nevertheless, which 99.9% of those soon-to-be-fathers would never admit to feeling that way. 

Some fathers say boys are easier to raise than girls and of course others have the contrary belief. I guess its all a thought everyone at some point will experience. Disappointment is a part of life. I feel for my friend, but I know he and his wife will be happy at the end of the day. Besides he created life, at least we know his "boys" can swim.