Eff' Your ASAP

Allow me to give you some advise I once heard from a very wise man:

Lack of preparation on YOUR behalf does not constitute and emergency on mine!

asap, no asap, afterthelevels.com, cory blaze, fatguyradioshow.com, urgency
Words to live by. I am fed up with people throwing around the ASAP thing. By adding it to an email, facebook post, or IM does not make a difference. What you're really saying is, "I don't care about anything you are doing, I want you to stop everything and focus on me".

I'm here to inform you that I don't give a damn about your urgency laden projects. I understand life happens, but if its happening that quick you should handled it yourself, give yourself an ASAP. If your project requires my participation I can promise you its' not going to come at your ASAP request.

For those that are not familiar with ASAP it stands for As Soon As Possible.
My answer to ASAP request is, no and a chuckle! I will do it when I'm ready to do it. Nothing is worth killing yourself to do because everything has a timeframe, if you missed that time frame and under prepared yourself how the hell does that become my problem? I know how to time manage. I know how to make sure I don't have to be rushed to get something done, especially when it involves other people. 

Again for those of you a little slower than the rest of us:

Lack of preparation on YOU behalf does not constitute and emergency on mine!

So get over yourself and take a time management course. Run your life better and stop ruining mine. One ASAP, like drugs, will only lead to more ASAP's.