Stay Home With Your Sickness

You are not that damn important that the office you work in is going to collapse if you stay home sick.

Some would think the most selfish people in the world work for oil companies or the government. No. In fact its the person at your office that comes to work sick. Yes there are those people that take advantage of sick time off just to go hang out with their family or because they closed the bar the night before. However, the people that are coughing, sneezing, feverish and touching everything need to stay home.

People who go to work sick do it because they want the attention of "being a dedicated employee". Bulls#@!* in fact people loose respect for you because you make it all about yourself. If you want it to be all about you start a blog. :-)

working sick, sick people, at work sick, workplace germs,, cory blaze, sick people, selfish, people,
I don't care how empty your life may be, don't go to work sick. There are people that have to be around you and getting them sick can result in their kids getting sick, grandparents getting sick and before you know it we have someones gram-grams in the hospital because your dumb ass wanted to be super-employee. Stay home! Besides with the technological advances we are afforded you can do more from home anyway.

You just don't want to be home because you're trapped in a loveless marriage or you're so bitterly old your kids don't come see you anymore. And the only self worth you have is your job because there people are forced to interact with you.

That got a little real-real didn't it. 

Stay home when you're sick you selfish bastard!

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