Snake Dies of Man Bite

Man Bites Snake to Death in Revenge! Forget batman, this guy is the Asian-superman!

man bites snake to death, nepali man, snake, snake bit, cobra, king cobra, snake attack, cory blaze,
Mohamad Salmo Miya, a 55 year old Nepali man, was out in his rice fields tending to the rice and a cobra snake came up and bit him. Instead of screaming and running away, like I would have done, this 55 year old mans-man bent over and bit the snake back! Not only did he bite the snake, he bit that bitch to death. Pretty much chewed on the snake like a stick of gum.

Who is this guy? He's a hero. If you have the stones to get bit by a cobra, a deadly snake by the by, get pissed off about it and you bite it back... you are the man. Hands Down! He told the AP, "I could of beat it with a stick, but I was angry".

This is a mans man. Who would have ever guest a headline would read "Snake Dies of a Man Bite"! Classic!

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