Taking the Plunge... Literally

You're on a business trip overseas and after having a couple of drinks you, along with your hosting party decide to head down to a body of water. Everyone in the group takes a dip, everything is going swimmingly.

rep kevin yoder, nude, skinny dipping, afterthelevels, cory blaze, fatguyradioshow, non-news, news, pop cultureThen it hits you... you are thousands of miles away from home and having the time of your life. The drinks are flowing and the laughs are boisterous. So you take that shirt and fling it to the ground, and applause erupts. You reach for the pants, do a little tease maybe or maybe not... then the alcohol completely engulfs your cerebral cortex and the non-decision is made to loose the pants.

Now you stand naked by the water and you dive on in. Just you and your overseas drinking buddies having a great time.

Sounds like any good ol' time with some travelers right? Well why is it such a big deal when Republican lawmaker Kevin Yoder did it?

Again we can file this story under non-news. He was having a good time, who cares. So many complain when our politicians are out of touch and now we have one that took the plunge (pardon the pun) we cut him down too. America we can't have it all, dang.

He admitted doing it, not running from it or denying it. I call that a win! Hey folks it could have been worse...

If Kevin Yoder was running in my state, he'd have my vote just for being a guy that can take a moment by the horns and be daring.

Here's the full story here, if interested.