MTV Drops Jersey Shore

I've waited 6 long years for MTV to pull their head out of their ass and give America a fighting chance by canceling The Jersey Shore.

Finally, as I flipped through the inner-highway, my eyes gazed upon the headline that read 'Jersey Shore' Cancelled. After I whipped the joyous tears from my eyes and attempted a back flip I composed myself to read the details. 
jersey shore, jersey shore cancelled, MTV, dumped, cancelled, reality tv, show finale, snooki, cory blaze, afterthelevels,

Reports claim that MTV pulled the plug because they were concerned if the aging cast would be able to keep up with their partying ways, which made them so infamous. I can't credit MTV executes for having the correct approach. 

Here's a message for MTV; How about you look at it this way, you just gave America a fighting chance again. With The Jersey Shore off the air maybe the laughing at the "stupid Americans and their reality TV's shows" will silence ever so slightly. Think about the good you have done.

Now, MTV, don't go ruining this momentous occasion by signing off on some other talentless-tanned hacks. How about you go back to your roots, show us some music videos and a few hours of Beavis and Butthead. Huh?

Good reddens Jersey Short cast, I hope you all have a great life as a normal person. Please do us a favor  and move to another country you've done enough to destroy this one. 

Yes I purposely did not use a picture of the Jersey Shore cast in this post. Never!

And I still won't watch MTV... unless it's Silent Library. 

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