The Wrong Persons Alive

Great people die and assholes live forever.

Have you ever felt that way? Being in Internet radio I have come across my share of people that are certified jerks. They think of no one else but themselves and they're life goal is to make everyones' life less than theirs.

On the flip side of that coin, my radio experience has awarded me the opportunity to make some great friends and meet some amazing people.

With the recent passing of my friend, maybe it's the emotion of his death that's fueling this concept, but I can't help but feel the wrong people are dying. Is God taking all the good people to heaven and leaving the jerk offs here on earth? If that's his plan, why am I still here?

I have to deal with assholes every day of my life and yes I look at them, as they are barking at me, and I think to myself "Why is this person still alive? The don't bring anything to this world but frustration, anger and pain to others".

But at the end of the day, I guess this is why I'm not God.