Pull the Plug American Idol

American Idol producers, do yourself a favor and remove the breathing tube on this show.

american idol logo, randy jackson, producers, ai, story, cory blaze, afterthelevels.com
My father once told me, "son you will be respected more for walking away with your dignity in tack verses being defeated and humiliated publicly". American Idol has blown their wad. We all know it, how the hell don't they.

American Idol has struggled for the past 3-4 seasons to pull an audience and maintain them. The competition has breached AI's reach. It's okay to pack up the show and say we had a good run lets go. 

Many former viewers of AI believe the show took a dive after Simon Cowell left the show. I would have to disagree, the reason Simon left; he foresaw the sinking ship, grabbed his life vest and swam to shore. What we have now is a captain of a ship with its stern barley breaking water and the only time the ship moves is by the weak efforts of the captains riddled ore. 

american idol logo, randy jackson, producers, ai, story, cory blaze, afterthelevels.com
Randy Jackson announced Friday August 30, 2012, that he is not leaving the show just changing his role from judge to mentor. Why?! Randy's internal move tells me the producers came to Randy wanted to let him go and he "negotiated" staying on the show. Translation he begged to keep a job. Unfortunately Randy was the last recognizable staple of AI historians.

I won't miss the "hey dawgs... check this".

Every friend I know that was all on board with AI for the first 2 to 3 seasons couldn't pick the last 3 winners out of a naked line up. The only person that comes to mind when I think American Idol is that black eyeliner wearing guy that sang with Queen and rocked it hard. 

American Idol, call it... time of death 3 years ago. Someone play taps and lets go back to the house and eat. 

This Guys An Idiot

Look at this picture...

shirtless guy, fat guy, skinny guy, fit2fat2fit, cory blaze, afterthelevels, cory blaze

No this is not the Fit2Fat2Fit guy. This is a random joe blow I came across on the internet. It's made me asked one question...

Why the fe___ would someone do this to themselves?

Being a big man and struggling with my weight everyday of my life, when I see someone purposely go out of their way to become fat just blows my mind. No-homo, but I would kill to have that dudes build before he ballooned up.

I have not confirmed the validity of this picture, however it pissed me off. Also took my mind back to the Fit2Fat2Fit saga. Hear that show here.

America, we need to stay pretty and fat it not pretty (nor is real skinny). I can say fat is not pretty because I happen to not be pretty.

Stop doing s*%$ like this.


Jackson Kids In Indiana for Fathers Birthday

In honor of their late fathers birthday, Michael Jackson's children Paris, Prince and Blanket travelled with their grandmother, Katherine Jackson & co-guardian TJ to Michael's home town of Gary, Indiana August 29, 2012.

Paris Jackson, Prince Michael Jackson, Michael Jacksons Birthday, Gary Indiana, birthday, celebrity, afterthelevels, cory blazeParis Jackson, Prince Michael Jackson, Prince Michael, Michael Jacksons Birthday, Gary Indiana, birthday, celebrity, afterthelevels, cory blaze

With all the recent alleged infighting taking place around the Jackson kids it's a nice break and encouraging outlook to see the kids honoring their late great father Michael Jackson and having fun doing it.

MTV Drops Jersey Shore

I've waited 6 long years for MTV to pull their head out of their ass and give America a fighting chance by canceling The Jersey Shore.

Finally, as I flipped through the inner-highway, my eyes gazed upon the headline that read 'Jersey Shore' Cancelled. After I whipped the joyous tears from my eyes and attempted a back flip I composed myself to read the details. 
jersey shore, jersey shore cancelled, MTV, dumped, cancelled, reality tv, show finale, snooki, cory blaze, afterthelevels, fatguyradioshow.com

Reports claim that MTV pulled the plug because they were concerned if the aging cast would be able to keep up with their partying ways, which made them so infamous. I can't credit MTV executes for having the correct approach. 

Here's a message for MTV; How about you look at it this way, you just gave America a fighting chance again. With The Jersey Shore off the air maybe the laughing at the "stupid Americans and their reality TV's shows" will silence ever so slightly. Think about the good you have done.

Now, MTV, don't go ruining this momentous occasion by signing off on some other talentless-tanned hacks. How about you go back to your roots, show us some music videos and a few hours of Beavis and Butthead. Huh?

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Paranoia In Today's Work Place

With the ever looming clouds of layoffs being present in 98% of US companies these days, workplace paranoia is a silent deadly killer of American employees today.

workplace paranoia, bad bosses, american people, cory blaze, afterthelevels.com, spying,
Do you work for one of those bosses who takes his/her power to the 10th level? Making you feel like they are scheming or plotting your demise. Your boss may walk by your workstation, never acknowledging you, but they stare and take inventory of everything on your workstation.

Maybe your office or cubicle is positioned within earshot of his/her office and every time someone goes into their office your boss gives you a glance then slowly closes the door only to leave you with the feeling they are having a secretive conversation about you.

It may be speculation and 80% of all paranoia is self-afflicted, however with the economy being where it is and if you work for a company that has done layoffs recently you may have a reason for being a little paranoid.

Stay Home With Your Sickness

You are not that damn important that the office you work in is going to collapse if you stay home sick.

Some would think the most selfish people in the world work for oil companies or the government. No. In fact its the person at your office that comes to work sick. Yes there are those people that take advantage of sick time off just to go hang out with their family or because they closed the bar the night before. However, the people that are coughing, sneezing, feverish and touching everything need to stay home.

People who go to work sick do it because they want the attention of "being a dedicated employee". Bulls#@!* in fact people loose respect for you because you make it all about yourself. If you want it to be all about you start a blog. :-)

Ann Romney Creeps Me Out

I can't put my finger on it but something about Mitt Romney's wife Ann Romney just creeps me out. 

ann romney, weird lady, creepy, politician, political race, mitt romney, presidential race, republican, democrat, voting, election 2012
Ann Romney, wife of Mitt Romney
Every time I see this woman or hear her speak something in me is offput by her presentation. I can't figure it out.

I have a very strong gut and 99.9% of the time I follow my gut. My friends know me as a person that can get a vibe from someone and be spot on about my vibe, but I'll be a confused pig standing on asphalt if I can't figure out why Ann Romney creeps me out. 

She has that typical Stepford Wives thing going on. For example, if you were hired to stack mulch in her yard she'd come out and not complain but strongly encourage you about the color of the mulch. It's that weirdness about her that forces me to tilt my head to the side and wonder. 

Bill Cosby Dead?

bill cosby dead, afterthelevels.com, cory blaze, hoax, R.I.P., larry king live, rumor, lies
To much speculation surfacing on the internet Monday August 27, 2012, Bill Cosby is in fact NOT DEAD!

After speaking with CNN's "Larry King Live" Bill Cosby made is very clear that he is not dead and does not find the hoax funny.

Bill was quoted in saying "I don't want [whoever spread the rumor] to do this anymore, because this is my fourth time being reported [dead].

Reports say the claims of his passing are taking a toll on his family and close friends bringing some to tears in the wake of the Twitter frenzied rumor.

I'm pleased to announce the 73 year old sweater wearing "hello friend" pin sporting TV father is alive and well.

This is another classic example of the power of three simple letters sent out in a tweet R.I.P.

Women Drivers

Here I go on the soap box about to offend another sect of people... Women, not all women just the ones that drive.

This is 100% fact; Every close encounter I've had on the road that posed the potential for an wreck involved a woman driver. She was either not paying attention or a very horrible driver.

women drivers, traffic, horror stories, driving, cory blaze, afterthelevels.com,
Case in point. Driving down the streets of North Glendale, AZ. The road was a two lane road, meaning  the left had two lanes the right had two lanes and there was a yellow middle turning lane. If you've ever driven in Arizona the roads are normally north and south east and west. Very few NE / SE way roads.

I was driving and approached a red light, the light turned green and the lady in front of me driving the side paneled minivan didn't go. So I gave her a little toot on the horn. She then began to go... very slowly. We were surrounded by traffic and we approached the next light. I immediately knew that this is going to drive me nuts because I can see through her back window she's doing everything else but paying attention to the road.

Snake Dies of Man Bite

Man Bites Snake to Death in Revenge! Forget batman, this guy is the Asian-superman!

man bites snake to death, nepali man, snake, snake bit, cobra, king cobra, snake attack, cory blaze, afterthelevels.com
Mohamad Salmo Miya, a 55 year old Nepali man, was out in his rice fields tending to the rice and a cobra snake came up and bit him. Instead of screaming and running away, like I would have done, this 55 year old mans-man bent over and bit the snake back! Not only did he bite the snake, he bit that bitch to death. Pretty much chewed on the snake like a stick of gum.

Who is this guy? He's a hero. If you have the stones to get bit by a cobra, a deadly snake by the by, get pissed off about it and you bite it back... you are the man. Hands Down! He told the AP, "I could of beat it with a stick, but I was angry".

This is a mans man. Who would have ever guest a headline would read "Snake Dies of a Man Bite"! Classic!

Basketball Recruit Gets 3 Years, uh-duh!

tony farner, basketball star, courtroom, passes out, stunt, overreaction, sentencing, guilty plea, kidknapping
Tony Farner, an 18-year-old senior at Garfield Heights High School, received a three-year prison sentence on Tuesday as a result of pleading guilty to kidnapping, felonious assault and other crimes.

In the middle of the judge rendering Tony's sentence, he is in such disbelief that he collapses to the floor. In a very dramatic fashion. Bravo Mr. Farmer, I say. In the video below note how the judge comments "I'm not done", she sure as hell wasn't buying it. Mr. Farner was completely convinced that he was going to skate on these charges. Just look at his reaction.

Now, lets go ahead and line up for the matches and get the t-shirts ordered for Tony. Are we going to take this to that level? Who gives a crap if he's a potential NBA star or had every character witness in his case... HE PLEAD GUILTY TO KIDNAPPING people! Why the hell would he expect less. First offence or not. Uh-duh.

Get this, the dumb bitch he kidnapped and assaulted was in the courtroom in support of him. His now ex-girlfriend, unnamed in the article, was present. She's as dumb as he is. "He's still a good person", she says. In the video below you see someone leave the courtroom, that was her! I nominate her for best supporting actress.

There is only one thing that can make a women stand up for a man that has done the unthinkable... he was taking care of business in the bed. Only thing. He's made her toes curl and her hair straight, so after he took her against her will, beat the dog-ess out of her and stole her money she still stood up for him in a court of law. WTH!

Tony Farner is going away for 3 years, hopefully someone will snatch his ass up in prison... not jail folks, PRISON! He will learn his lesson. And his lawyer should be fire for not showing any emotion when his client is falling apart at the seams.

Good bye Mr. Farmer, we'll see you in three years. Next time, don't take what's not yours!

The Soda Game

soda, drinks, pop, sodapop, overpriced, cory blaze, afterthelevels, fatguyradioshow.comq
If you're a red blooded American that has ever gotten thirsty when outside your home you have paid for a soda, soda pop if you're from the east.

From the convenience store to the restaurant, sodas are grossly over priced. Even at .79cents, it's over priced.

Having a father that has owned restaurants, a large percentage of an establishments revenue is indicative of soda sells. Believe it or not. It's so cheap to produce a cup of soda, even a can of soda.

When you purchase a soda at a restaurant for $2.89 there's a chance you are paying upwards to a 300% mark up. Shocking right... well it's nothing new, been this way since the beginning of soda sales and until we all stop getting thirsty there will always be a market for it.

I wonder if the soda industry is actually ran by the oil industry? Hmmm.


Taking the Plunge... Literally

You're on a business trip overseas and after having a couple of drinks you, along with your hosting party decide to head down to a body of water. Everyone in the group takes a dip, everything is going swimmingly.

rep kevin yoder, nude, skinny dipping, afterthelevels, cory blaze, fatguyradioshow, non-news, news, pop cultureThen it hits you... you are thousands of miles away from home and having the time of your life. The drinks are flowing and the laughs are boisterous. So you take that shirt and fling it to the ground, and applause erupts. You reach for the pants, do a little tease maybe or maybe not... then the alcohol completely engulfs your cerebral cortex and the non-decision is made to loose the pants.

Now you stand naked by the water and you dive on in. Just you and your overseas drinking buddies having a great time.

Sounds like any good ol' time with some travelers right? Well why is it such a big deal when Republican lawmaker Kevin Yoder did it?

Again we can file this story under non-news. He was having a good time, who cares. So many complain when our politicians are out of touch and now we have one that took the plunge (pardon the pun) we cut him down too. America we can't have it all, dang.

MMA Fighting Politician Ross Miller

ross miller, mma fighter, fighter, politician, cory blaze, afterthelevels.com
Ross Miller
Why this intriuges me as interesting. A politician that fights MMA is someone I could totally vote for. If nothing else we need some fighters in politics. Hopefully he's fighting on the side of Gotham and not Bain. (insert political jokes here)

 As a fan of MMA, he appears to have some skills. Not to shabby for a secretary of state. I like seeing our politicians as real people. Almost gives them the allure of being human and not life sucking leaches of the American people.

Read the full story from our friends at YardBarker.com

Phyllis Diller Dies at 95 Years Old

Humorist Phyllis Diller dies at 95 in Los Angeles.

I believe Phyllis was on the funniest people that ever lived. This is sad we've lost another one. But man 95 years old, what a great life. 

For anyone that followed her career she went from housewife to comedian sessation. She will truly be missed. My last memory of Phyllis was her appearance on Roseanne's Nuts and she loved her drink!

Safe Home Phyllis Diller

Read the full story here from our friends at MSN.com

You Have Your Place

mom, dad, sister, brother, family, friendship, love ones, supporters, cory blaze, afterthelevels, fatguyradioshow.com
When you have someone that experiences a little bit of success it comes with a price. Don't allow anyone to fool you, success has a price. Sadly the person experiencing success is not paying that price. 

I'm not telling you that I'm all that and a bag of chips... yet. lol However I'm always thinking about the ones I love and though I'm not always with them, they are always with me. They support my ongoing quest and at times are there to answer my first call following months of silence. These people in my life never miss a beat. 

It's challenging because you want to be with them. You internalize the hurt of missing their lives, but you cherish they appear to understand. When I turn off my world, at the first opportunity, I know when I open my eyes they are there. 

You can't replace the love and dedication of a FAMILY. So I take this time to stand on the platform that has been awarded to me to say, You Have Your Place, no one can take it away. I miss you and I'm always thinking of you. From my heart to yours, with my everything. 


Swim Trunks for Men

As summer comes to a close [enter applause here] most people have spent some time at the pool. Either a private pool in your backyard, a friends backyard or maybe you took the risk by going to a public pool. Whichever way you did, you were in a pool.

At the beginning of summer you went to the closet, pulled out your old swim trunks and they were in horrible shape so you tossed them into the trash then headed out to purchase a new pair. Or you went to Amazon through the link at the top of this page.

Your new swim trunks arrived and they probably consisted of the following:

swim trunks, men, summer, cory blaze, afterthelelvels.com,
Theory Transition Swim Trunks

  • Cotton/Nylon Blend
  • Zip Fly with Draw String Inside
  • Front Pockets with back zipper pocket
  • Mesh lining
  • Imported
  • Dry Clean Only

Those items sounds pretty standard in swim trunks.

How would you feel if you got all those options in a pair of swim trunks but they cost $149.00? Well you can. A stately pair of swim trunks from Theory transitions well between beach and beyond; features a shorter leg to maximized sunlight. Available at Bloomingdales.

What guy in their right mind that doesn't have the last name Romney would buy a $149.00 pair of swim trunks? Who is this guy? He has to be out there because there available, resulting in the there being a market for these overly priced swim trunks.

If you have the capital to spend $149.00 on swim trunks you have missed something very important in life and it's called sensability. Not nocking Bloomingdales, but really! You'll wear them for 3-4 months out of the year... unless you live in Arizona.

Here's a link that can help you. I promise you can get new swim clothes for a family of six for what you would pay for one pair of the swim trunks mentioned above. You're welcome.

FatGuyRadioShow New Sponsorship Announcement

On the latest episode of FatGuyRadioShow "Gumptah's Laundry" Listen Here we announced our new partnership with YouTube. We are excited to welcome YouTube to the FatGuyRadioShow family of sponsors.

Visit our YouTube page!

youtube, fatguyradioshow, sponsorship, cory blaze, afterthelevels.com

Dumbing Down America; the Finish Line

Other countries laugh at us because of our goverment... our constitution... our inability to get away from foriegn oil... our political infighting... and our ability to mortgage our economic future with the lowest ROI known to mankind. But what I'm about to share with you puts us over the finish line in the race to make ourselves the laughing stock of the world.

Ladies and gentlemen I introduce to you...

here comes honey boo boo, afterthelevels.com, cory blaze, TLC

Your eyes are not deceiving you. This is Here Comes Honey Boo Boo the latest reality TV show for the TLC network. I'll explain to you what the show is about so you won't have to watch it (trust me I doing you a favor). It's a reality show about the life of a six year old pageant winner. Guess which pageant she won... Toddler and Tiaras, of course. So this is a spin off show from the producers of Toddlers and Tiaras also on the TLC network. Shocker.

here comes honey boo boo, afterthelevels.com, cory blaze, TLCWe have officially crossed the finish line in the race to dumbing down America. What the hell can a six year olds life be like that we'd want to watch a TV show about it. Well, TLC has put their best foot forward for this one folks.

This six year old, named Honey Boo Boo, lives in the backwoods of some hillbilly town with her hillbilly parents and siblings. They talk about couponin', glitzy pig shopping and using paint remover to remove the crust off the neck of her morbidly obese mother. (No I'm not making this up).

Fat & Skinny Chicks, Strong Friends or Hidden Foes?

As I drove down the street late this afternoon I happened upon two african american women. One looked to be around 20 years of age and the other, maybe, 25-30 years old. The younger looking one was thin in stature while the older looking one was a female of larger carriage.

They were both walking up the street towards a traffic light where I sat waiting for light to change for the north bound traffic. While waiting for the light, the two women arrived at the corner and they were conversing with each other. The skinny girl would say something and the fat girl would laugh, the fat girl would say something and the skinny girl would laugh.

fat chick, skinny chick, girls, women, fighting, cat fight, girl fight, jealous women, afterthelevels.com, cory blaze, fatguyradioshow, women blog, girl blog, funny story, men thoughts, women
But underneath it all, you and I both know how catty women can be. So after the light changed and the two women disappeared into my rearview mirror, I began to question myself; Can a fat chick and a skinny chick really have a strong friendship or are they hidden foes?

From the skinny chicks perspective she may only "befriend" the fat chick to compensate for her lack in self image. By being around a fat chick, she makes herself feel better. Knowing that if she is with her fat friend and a guy starts to stare her chances on landing the guy are higher than if she was with women that were on the same caliber in looks.

Mythbusters For The Win!

The only myth left to solve is the myth about the guy that never watched Mythbusters.

Single handedly this show has got to be the best show on television. How this show does not have every TV award possible is mysterious to me... better yet, it's a myth. 

mythbusters, discovery channel, adam savage, jamie hynaman, afterthelevels, cory blaze, fatguyradioshow

It's educational and entertaining at the same time. I can saddle up to my TV with intentions on watching a specific show, during a commercial do a little channel surfing through the magic of picture in picture, and if I come across a repeat episode of Mythbusters - well I will just go ahead and hit that record button for the other show and watch Mythbusters. 

Tori Belleci of Mythbusters
In general I love the Discovery channel. Except for that "Is God Real" show with the mole face guy, Morgan Freeman. Thing is, I like Morgan Freeman, but I hate he's tied to that show. But I digress.

Mythbusters really puts myths to the test that I, for years, have wondered if they had any validity or not.

Unpaid endorsement: watch Mythbusters - you won't be disappointed. It's on the Discovery Channel.

Furthermore I may or may not have a little man crush on Tori Belleci... that dream boat!

I Secretly Wanted a Boy

Not being a father myself, I can't help but think that there are times when fathers-to-be find out the sex of their unborn child and it's the wrong sex... or not the sex of their choice. 

expecting fathers, surprised baby, boy, girl, fathers, cory blaze, afterthelevels.com, fatguyradioshow
A friend of mine is expecting his first child. I sit with him periodically to see how his wife is progressing and how the baby is progressing. But one recent encounter with him revealed something I've always expected. 

When at lunch one cloudy afternoon in downtown Phoenix. Sitting in the widow of Carley's cafe in the  Roosevelt Art District I posed the question to my friend I always have since his announcement of his baby. "So how are things?", I asked. "Great, I'm super excited", he replied. "Are we playing basketball or taking dance lessons?", I followed in reply. "We are taking dance lessons", with an undertone of disappointment in his voice. 

Allow me to say my friend is indeed very excited about having his first child, this is his first marriage, they are very happy together and he will love his new baby girl when she enters into the world in November. But after his response coupled with the shift in his tone as he gazed a little away from the table conversation, it made me think..

The Wrong Persons Alive

Great people die and assholes live forever.

Have you ever felt that way? Being in Internet radio I have come across my share of people that are certified jerks. They think of no one else but themselves and they're life goal is to make everyones' life less than theirs.

On the flip side of that coin, my radio experience has awarded me the opportunity to make some great friends and meet some amazing people.

With the recent passing of my friend, maybe it's the emotion of his death that's fueling this concept, but I can't help but feel the wrong people are dying. Is God taking all the good people to heaven and leaving the jerk offs here on earth? If that's his plan, why am I still here?

I have to deal with assholes every day of my life and yes I look at them, as they are barking at me, and I think to myself "Why is this person still alive? The don't bring anything to this world but frustration, anger and pain to others".

But at the end of the day, I guess this is why I'm not God.

Albino Burmes Python for Desert Anyone?

Would you eat an Albino Burmes Python, seriously. It's sweet and taisty.

The photo of this Albino Burmese Python looks so real, Francesca Pitcher of North Star Cakes in Kent, U.K., was prompted to add this tagline: "****I DO NOT SELL SNAKES****. This photo is of a snake CAKE made to look like an Amelanistic Burmese Python for a birthday party."

Yes, the snake is a fake. It's a fake snake cake.

Sparkle The Movie (2012)

sparkle movie poster, whitney houston, jordin sparks, afterthelevels.com, cory blaze, fatguyradioshow

Prepare yourself for utter excitement. Not only is this Whitney's final movie before her untimely death in February 2012, but I'm a fan of musicals. Especially when you have the caliber of talent like Whitney Houston, Jordin Sparks and Tamala Mann. My only set back regarding the cast is Ceelo Green, not really excited for him in this film. Never been a big fan (maybe I'll share my thoughts on Ceelo Green some day).

Michael Phelps Sexy?

Are people really complaining about this picture of Michael Phelps sitting in a tub wearing goggles?

Yeah I'm a dude, but there is nothing sexy about this because it's something we've seen as he competed in the Olympics. He's always in water, wearing a speedo with a pair of goggles. Is it different because it's an ad for Louis Vuitton ad?

michael phelps steamy ad, michael phelps nude, ad, afterthelevels.com, cory blaze

We really find the stupidest things in this world to focus on don't we. Really people, come on again I ask again, is there not better things we can spend our time focusing on?

Dark Knight Rises Viewing

If you listened to any part of last weeks FatGuyRadioShow, you'd know that as a show we went out to see the Dark Knight Rises.

the dark knights rises, dark knight, bain, afterthelevels.com, cory blaze, fatguyradioshow.com

My overall rating: 4 / 5

Only reason why it wasn't a 5 out of 5 is because I got lost in a couple aspects of the movie and that was contributed to the editing. Now when I watch it again, which I will, I'm sure those aspects will work themselves out and I will back at a 5 out of 5.

The movie kept me on the edge of my seat, hell it actually got me out of my seat. I had to take a bathroom break. Three and half hours is pretty long when you're sucking down a cartoon size drink. However, the movie totally lived up to the hype. It was the best $7.50 I've spent at the theater in a long time.

Not being a huge movie goer it kind of sparked something in me to get back into the rhythm of watching movies in the theater.

Not the best movie for younger kids. I know sometimes when we see the PG-13 rating we expect that its actually acceptable for kids, well it's not the content of the movie that will bother a younger audience its the created story line. Yeah they may like the action sequences and fight scenes, but it would really be a waist of your money to take a kid to see this movie. Wait until it comes out on DVD that way your kid has time to study the movie to really get it.

I recommend seeing it.

Phoenix Mayor Bloodied by Women

phoenix mayor greg stanton, broken nose, wnba, phoenix mercuryYes the title is subjective, however our city Mayor Greg Stanton was recently having some fun with our hometown WNBA team The Phoenix Mercury.

During a little scrimmage our mayor took a blow to the nose. Turns out our WNBA Champions The Phoenix Mercury actually broke the nose of our mayor.

Poor guy, I guess our Mercury are going for another champion next season!

And if that wasn't enough, there's video... enjoy!

BREAKING NEWS: Gene Simmons Family Jewels NOT Renewed

According to Shannon Tweed twitter Gene Simmons Family Jewels was not picked up by the network for more episodes. Lasting 5 seasons on the Arts & Entertainment network, they have pulled the plug.

The season finale of Gene Simmons Family Jewels aired on July 9, 2012.

We will miss this show, hopefully it may get picked up by another network. We shall see.

Eff' Your ASAP

Allow me to give you some advise I once heard from a very wise man:

Lack of preparation on YOUR behalf does not constitute and emergency on mine!

asap, no asap, afterthelevels.com, cory blaze, fatguyradioshow.com, urgency
Words to live by. I am fed up with people throwing around the ASAP thing. By adding it to an email, facebook post, or IM does not make a difference. What you're really saying is, "I don't care about anything you are doing, I want you to stop everything and focus on me".

I'm here to inform you that I don't give a damn about your urgency laden projects. I understand life happens, but if its happening that quick you should handled it yourself, give yourself an ASAP. If your project requires my participation I can promise you its' not going to come at your ASAP request.

For those that are not familiar with ASAP it stands for As Soon As Possible.
My answer to ASAP request is, no and a chuckle! I will do it when I'm ready to do it. Nothing is worth killing yourself to do because everything has a timeframe, if you missed that time frame and under prepared yourself how the hell does that become my problem? I know how to time manage. I know how to make sure I don't have to be rushed to get something done, especially when it involves other people. 

Again for those of you a little slower than the rest of us:

Lack of preparation on YOU behalf does not constitute and emergency on mine!

So get over yourself and take a time management course. Run your life better and stop ruining mine. One ASAP, like drugs, will only lead to more ASAP's. 

Rajai Davis Nabs Great Catch

This amazed me when I read and saw this video. I found another video that didn't have all the other highlights in it, it's just this spectacular catch. I'm not a baseball fan, but this is superman antics at its best. Enjoy. 

Toronto's  Rajai Davis recorded five RBI in the Blue Jays' 10-7 victory over the New York Yankees on Sunday. But the speedy outfielder's career-high total took a back seat to his offering for defensive play of the year honors when Davis scaled the wall with impressive timing to rob Casey McGehee of a possible home run in the seventh inning.  
What was particularly cool about the play is that it was a situation that the 5-foot-9 Davis had been playing through in his head ever since he took a look at the 10-foot Rogers Centre wall and thought it might be possible:
"It's something that [hitting coach Dwayne Murphy] and I talked about earlier in the year," Davis said. "We talked about planting the leg, getting up over the wall. But it takes a perfect ball to be able to time that right, and then the ball coming down, it takes perfect timing."
Davis' purposeful stride toward the fence actually allowed McGehee to experience a quick moment of elation over what would have been his second home run for the Yankees. But it disappeared just as quickly as it arrived as Davis began his successful climb.
''When I saw him turn his back I thought he gave up on it,'' McGehee said. ''Little did I know he was just timing it up ...  I guess I've got to hit it a few feet farther next time."
Davis has two more grabs before he equals Mike Trout's amazing total of three home run robberies this season. But he definitely guaranteed himself a place on the season-end reel of 2012's greatest defensive plays.
Repost Creidt: YahooSports

Timothy Garner of the Travails Dead

timothy garner dead, afterthelevels, blog, cory blaze, breaking news, dallas texas
Some tragic and horrible news out of Dallas, Texas, the lead singer of the Dove award nominated threesome Timothy Garner and the Travails passes away at his home in Dallas, Texas the morning of August 12, 2012. Reports say Tim had suffered a stroke 3 years ago but was recently informed by his doctors he had fully recovered. Though he still experienced some trouble walking.

The cause of his sudden death is still unknown as details continue to surface. Family friends report that last encounter with Tim he was alert, appeared in great health, still playing music, singing and full of life. This indeed comes as a shock to a nation.

A close family friend shares with ATL that Tim was scheduled to start physical therapy on Monday to regain the full mobility of walking.

Tim is the youngest of three children. Timothy Garner and the Travails was made up of Tim, his mother and his sister.

Timothy Garner was known for working with gospel sessation The Mighty Clouds of Joy and his music reached across the world. Resulting in thousands of fans and worshippers throughout the nation. His last project title "Family Forever" is still available for download through Amazon.

Timothy Garner and the Travails were reported to have tour dates scheduled out till December, those tour dates at this time are unconfirmed to still take place.

This news is indeed heartbreaking and our prayers go out to the Garner family. If you'd like to enjoy some of Timothy Garners music, we have provided links below.

Safe home Timothy Garner, a musician, a talent, and a wonderful friend.

- Cory

Awesome MJ Images

I was surfing the internet and found these amazing images chronicling some of Michael Jacksons greatest  music video costumes. I had to repost, these are simply amazing and I will try to have a poster made of all these images. So awesome!

I hope you enjoy them.



What's Eating Gilbert Grape Mom

I totally thought this woman was dead. My apologies to actress Darlene Cates. Oops.

Here's some good news. In the movie she played Arnie and Gilbert's mother. It's very well documented she a very VERY large women. When I first saw the movie with my best friend Cherryl back in the early 90's I had figured it was movie magic to make her appear so large. Well, I later learned it wasn't.. she was in fact over 500lbs during the filming of that film.

I'm a big guy, tipping the scales at 284lb, but damn 500+ pounds I couldn't imagine. But all is not lost, actress Darlene Cates is alive and well... better than most.

Recently it was released the actress Darlene Cates has lost 250lbs. Understanding how hard that can be, especially for a woman that's a feet to behold. Two hundred and fifty pounds is almost my entire existence. Wow! I was blown away when I heard this news.

darlene cates, weight loss, afterthelevels.com, cory blaze, fatguyradioshow

Grant it she's still over 300lbs, but that's a big jump down from over 500. I applaud Darlene and encourage her to stay in the fight.

I can bet it wasn't done with TV cameras and some muscle bound tight skinned educated trainer, it was her hard work. No one paid her to loose the weight, she did it because she wanted to do it! Congratulation Darlene, I solute you!

Billboards Shock Vegas Drivers

las vegas, billboard, coolest billboard ever, afterthelevels.com, cory blaze
Even by Vegas standards, it was a shocking billboard: A mannequin dangling on a hangman's noose below a black sign with the ominous words "Dying for Work."
Nevada Highway Patrol Trooper Jeremie Elliott says the 911 calls started coming in as the sun came up early Wednesday, with drivers worried the stiff, black-suited dummy swaying at the end of a rope along Interstate 15 near Bonanza Road was a real person.
"It's a publicity stunt, obviously done in bad taste," said Elliott, adding that officials were focused on getting it down quickly to avoid distracting drivers during the morning commute.
The graphic display along the interstate was one of at least two unauthorized signs spotted Wednesday morning in the Las Vegas area. Another found on Highland Avenue and Desert Inn Road was white with black lettering that read, "Hope You're Happy Wall St.," and a similar mannequin hanging off the edge.

I Haven't Forgotten

afterthelevels, fatguyradioshow, cory blaze, finger tie, forgotten, blog, post
I haven't forgotten about you... my blog readers. You know how life can get in the way of what you want to do... well that is the case for me.

It's been a while since I've made a new post, but I have a few for you tonight. I'm delaying going to the "bone orchard" to give you a couple of new stories. Thing is, most of the news out there is all about the damn Olympics which I'm not watching. Finally I found a few stories I could make fun of. Enjoy and I'll get back into rhythm.

Love you and thanks for reading!