Under 25 and Married

Congratulations guys on getting married. Before you go wash-off that wild honeymoon love scent permeating from your loins, I'd like to point out your entire life just ended before it began.

young marriage, unhappy marriage, afterthelevels.com
Guys, I'm talking to you, I understand that you don't know how to live on your own without your mom. But there is no better way to learn than to dive right in. Your mom will be there to bail you out. Trust me.

For the guy that just graduated highschool. Has his highschool sweetheart in tow and you're both heading off to college. Do not, I repeat do not, let her talk you in to getting married or having kids before your 30. Live life man. Get out, pierce something, smoke something, drinking something, steal something. Experience life. You're probably saying, "I don't have money for all that life experience." To which I say, then you don't have money for a wife and kids. Duh! Don't let your penis dictate your choices, not matter how hard (no pun intended) it is.

Let me tell you what happens when you marry or have kids young. You end up regressing at a later age. Your life becomes family, work, kids and struggles. Two of those are out of your control; work and struggles. Why compound that by adding a family and kids? You don't have to be alone, but experience some failures in life first so when you do marry and have kids you've got some battle scars to show you deserve it.

I'm a firm believer in not being married before 30. Not because I don't think marriage is important, it is. I just feel having two young people that have no experience in anything coming together to create a life filled with nothing is detrimental to the state of marriage. The luster does wear off, then its just you and her sitting there watching all your friends that heeded my warning traveling the world and experiencing life. Don't be that guy!

On another note, if your girl is so hard up to getting married young - rethink that bro. Women naturally want to nest, be patient. And for you religious nuts that want to get married so you can have sex, I'll let you interpret Psalms 136:1.

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