Taco Bell Vows Healthier Food

What the hell is happening to this world?

taco bell, healthier eating, afterthelevels.com, cory blaze,
Taco Bell is reportily testing a range of healthier menu options and hopes to offer new items by the year 2020. The company plans to align themselves with the federal guidelines for fat and caloric intake. Which means a single meal would have one-third of the government's recommendation for daily caloric intake of 2,000 to 2,500.

I don't know about you, but when I go to Taco Bell I'm not expecting to eat healthy - hell I'm not expecting real meat. I'm expecting something covered in paraffin based cheese, garnished with liquid onion and served to me in plastic. If I want healthy options I'll eat a cardboard sandwich from Subway.

Taco Bell is Taco Bell. Their stock isn't dropping. Their customer base isn't slowing. Why the need for the change. The federal government isn't threatening to close them down. Why sort something that doesn't need sorting.

Damn it Taco Bell you're ruining a good thing. We went along with you when you introduced the fresco menu. We didn't buy it, but the fat house-frow yentas that wanted to feel healthier ordered off that no flavored loose bean menu. Why crap out an idea like this! Grant it, its going to take until 2020 to roll out, but your gambling with fat people futures. Who wants a healthy America? If that's the case we should change our name to France.

What's next, boiled chicken at KFC?

Full story here: MSN Money

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