Alone On Your Birthday

sad guy, birthday, alone,, cory blaze,
Same time, same date, every year its my birthday. Is spending your birthday alone a sign that no one really cares?

This Tuesday, April 16, is going to be my 30-something birthday. There are no plans. No special events, outings, parties, what-not. Nothing. It's just working out to being another… Tuesday.

I guess it's really not all that bad. I can celebrate the fact that I've completed another trip around the sun.

Maybe when you reach a certain age the old adage of having something special for your birthday just wears off. We're either to old for a clown or two heavy for a pony, what else is there? I drink more often when its not my birthday, so whats the point!

I'll most likely wake up Tuesday morning, grab a cup of coffee from the kitchen. Stay in my pajamas all day and watch Roseanne reruns on TV Land before I retire back up to my room to sleep off the excitement of being in the living room.

This post is really becoming depressing.

Maybe it's a sign that I am a big asshole not deserving of true friends. Hmmm? Who knows. It's just another year closer to death. Unless I die on Monday. (how freaky would it be if I did and this was my last post?)


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