Cory's Top 5 Dream Bromances

According to Wikipedia, a bromance is a close non-sexual relationship between two (or more) men, a form of affectional or homosocial intimacy.

Often on my radio show I'm accused of being the gayest person on the show. I don't see it, but it's well documented on FatGuyRadioShow that I have the lowest gay-dar on planet earth. I may very well be the gayest person on my show but I'd never know it.

Bromances are another thing. Below are pictures of my all time Top Five Dream Bromances with a homosexual intimacy chance rating. Not in any particular order:

dream bromance, leonardo dicaprio, dave franco, lou amundson, marcin gortat, russell westbrook,, cory blaze

Leonardo DiCaprio Our bromance would consist of us hanging out and talking about every possible bad movie role he's turned down. Potential for intimacy = 60%

Dave Franco Our bromance would consist of anything requiring us to remove our shirts. Swimming, biking, walking, breathing. Potential for intimacy = 80% (He's toned as balls)

Lou Amundson Our bromance would consist of us having some beers and bitching about all the NBA teams that kept trading him. And me styling his hair as he sits comfortably between my knees. Potential for intimacy = 100% (It's a mortal lock he's dreamy. Screw the bromance, we're flying to San Francisco in the morning)

Marcin Gortot Our bromance would consist of Marcin reading me the dictionary. His accent is entertaining. Potential for intimacy = 99.9% (No one really knows how big that polish hammer really is.)

Russell Westbrook Our bromance would consist of us traveling around to all his families houses and eating. He seems like his family would be where all the fun lies. We'd also play dress up. Potential for intimacy = 5%.

A few other bromances not pictured, Donald Fasion, Elliot Tittensor, Drake Bell, Johnny Depp, Johnn Knoxville, Rob Dyrdek and few others.

There you have it. Who are your dream bromances?


Anonymous said...

This is shocking news how? Who wouldn't want a bromance with Leonardo DiCaprio. Hell, I'm straight too and I wouldn't pass that up.

Kelli said...

Lou Amundson looks exactly like Edward Cullen from Twilight looked in my head as I was reading the books (before they cast wimpy not attractive Robert Pattinson to play the part in the awful movies) I always call him "Edward" when I see him on TV, he's gorgeous in an eternal vampire kind of way for me for sure!

Jase R said...

Marcin Gortat? Really Cory? He looks like he's missing a few genes.

J K said...

I would bromance would Jimmy Kemel, Justin Timberlake and Carmelo Anthony.

Anonymous said...

Joe Jonas, all day!

Keith Lance said...

Sorry Cory, we will have to fight over Dave Franco. "toned as balls" was coined when he was on Scrubs.