Rachael Ray Show Hurt My Big Fat Feelings

Christina pagliarolo, rachell ray, afterthelevels.com, sueing
Big fat overweight teenager Christina Pagliarolo is suing the Rachael Ray show for negligence and intentional infliction of emotional distress, according to TMZ. Christina participated in a special show spotlighting overweight teens. She claims that the trainers working for the show yelled at her as she hiked a mountain, sped up a stairclimber to make her fall and continued to yell at her.

Oh poor fat chick! (this is where is gets ugly) Listen  you sensitive overweight tub of the unsexed womanhood. What the hell did you expect? Let me tell the story of how this really went down… shall I.

"Fat teenage girl, likes school jock since 4th grade. He wants nothing to do with her back then or now. One afternoon as the fat girl ensconced herself into a couch watching the Rachael Ray show while shoveling KFC wings dipped in Dairy Queen, the fat girl cry. The show tugged at her enlarged heart strings and offered her a chance to loose weight. Teen tub-a-lard hoofs it over to her webcam, cries into it, and emails the Rachael Ray show. Producers of the show get the email; after throwing up because of the pure magnitude of this touch-less she-monster, decided to hire the Shipping Wars trucks to haul her ass to the show. The What's Eating Gilbert Grape mothers body double is hit in the face with reality when she realized it wasn't going to be a sit down interview with Rachel, she was actually going to have to put forth physical effort. Because of her emotionally unstable mindset due to a lackluster relationship with her dad, she didn't like the beefcake trainers telling her what to do. When she got shipped back home via FedEx oversized freight, the teen mack-ass noticed the only weight she lost was taking off the horseshoes the iron worker mounted before she left for New York. Because she knew if she sued the show her facebook page would get as big as the left side of the cliff she calls an ass. So she did. In hopes that the notoriety would bridge the very small gap between her and school jock that has since come out the closet and plays for the NFL."

I think that pretty much covers it. Right Christina?

Christina Pagliarolo, trainers are supposed to be tuff, hurt your feelings, push you over the limit - grow a pair you wretched fat ass puff. Think I don't know the struggle, I do, but I'm not trying to sue over a failed attempt to get TV help for free. Get over yourself.

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