A $400 Billion Pack of Smokes

Imagine walking into your neighborhood convenience store to grab a soda and a pack of smokes. You get to the counter and the cashier looks at you and says, "that will be $400 billions and 89 cents please". Why the 89 cents? Cause you picked up the soda.

tobacco tax, tax increase, obama administration, afterthelevels.com, cory blaze
It may not happen exactly like that. In President Obamas budget tax increase plan, part of the $400 billion tax hike includes a tax increase on cigerettes. The current tax on a pack of smokes is $1.01. If the budget is rolled out, cigarettes would reportedly go to $1.95 tax providing an estimated $78 billion over the next decade to pay for preschool programs.

I'm a smoker, so I come from a place of familierarity. Remember when smokers got shafted in 2009 when Obama enacted a 63 cent tax increase? Where the hell is all that money now?

I understand tobacco is not the best thing for you and there's nothing we can do to avoid the tax increase because 5 out of 10 Americas hate smokers. But the majority of smokers are lower income families already struggling under this administration. Washington is getting really good at masking bad decisions with healthier presumptions.

How about a tax hike on oil companies? Or maybe higher payroll and investment taxes on the rich? The tax increases Americans have been screaming throughout his entire presidency. Again I say, no wonder other countries laugh at us.

But have no fear, I've got an alternative. HaloCigs E Cigerettes. A tobacco free, smoke free and now government free way to smoke. Order yours today. Click the banner below.


Tax hike that Obama!

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