Rethinking Hand Washing

man washing hands,, cory blaze
Everyone uses the restroom. Men mainly are the ones who physically come in contact with themselves during a bladder evacuation. The main purpose of washing your hands is to prevent the spread of germs. But have you thought about the way we currently wash our hands? Normally we wash after the use of the restroom.

Can you imagine how many germs we are putting on our junk when we unzip then handle for smaller version of ourselves? Maybe we should be washing our hands before we use the restroom instead of after. Our happy-johns throughout the day come in contact with what? Fabric and detergent residue. It's not often exposed to the germs floating in the air unless we're running around with our pants down.

With that being the case how many germs are we sharing with ourselves by touching ourselves to take a wiz. Millions. Then we go home and share ourselves with our partners therefore exposing them to the germs we have on our hands when we don't wash our hands before using the restroom.

I'm not a scientist, but I am a germafobe. I'll be playing it safe, washing before and after. I don't want the yuckies on my dangler.

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