Fat & Fat, Think of the Science

fat couple, sex, afterthelevels.com, blog, cory blaze
Amazing concept here. Let me preface this by saying, I'm fat - so I'm coming from a place of experience.

Warning to fat people near and abroad, the Dan and Roseanne Conner love bed is just TV. It's not real. Why I say, because the physical science between fat people mating is just not in favor of either party involved.

This is not speculation, it's true! I've tried mating with someone of my caliber, sure things happened - but they didn't happen the way they should have.

Most people of larger carriage result to more of an oral contact. That has its expiration date. Trust me.

This is not to say fat people can't mate. We can. You just have to consider the physical science. A fat man can mate with a skinny woman. A fat woman can mate with a skinny man. A skinny man and skinny woman can mate. A fat man cannot mate properly with a fat woman. It's a harsh reality I know.

You're breathing heavy she's breathing heavy and that's just getting undressed. It's always an amazement to me when I see a fat couple walking down the street with a baby. I often think to myself, how the hell did that happen.

Look at the facts here fat boys; we're not bringing the largest gun to the battle if you know what I mean. Yes a baby can be conceived from an aerial shot, but for a greater percentage of success you have to "infiltrate the camp".

Fat people, get a skinny person to restore the fun in mating. But this brings up another quaundry: finding that skinny person willing to screw your fat ass. Good luck!

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