
sexsomnia, man sleepwalking,, cory blazeSexsomnia is a real thing, and it just got a guy off in court. (no pun intended)

A Danish man has been acquitted of molesting two teenage girls after a positive diagnosis for sexsomni. This the term is a locker-room joke concocted by hormonal teenage boys? Nope, it's a real thing - a disorder that causes people to engage in sexual acts while they're sleeping.

The two 17-year-old girls accused the 32-year-old man of touching them and making sexual motions. But when former girlfriends told him he'd been naughty with them in the same fashion, he visited a sleep specialist, who confirmed the affliction after examining his bran patterns.

Don't try using this as an excuse for bad behavior: It's extremely rare, and even the prosecutor in this case admits, "It's not something that can be faked."

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