The Injustice of Junk Mail

junk mail, mailbox,, cory blaze

Nothing worse than not getting around to checking your mail for a day or so to discover your mail box is stuffed with mail. Being diligent you stop and begin to cypher through it just to find that 99.8% of the mail is junk. The .2% is what you were expecting anyway… bills.

Companies masking their sales pitches in "check" form or "urgent notices". Why are we fighting to keep the US Postal service in business? I understand there are thousands of jobs at risk, but if we just train our postal service workers to use email they wouldn't want to work for the US Postal service resulting in NO damn junk mail.

Time is of the essence in many average peoples lives. Being required to take a piece of mail that looks like its something of note just to discover its some make-shift mortgage company trying to get you to refinance through their offshore account is rediculous. Stop waiting my time, its bad enough I have to deal with spam. I don't want spam in paper or congealed meat form.

Think about this; what elevation in life has junk mail provided you? Has a piece of junk mail ever saved you money? Made you run to the nearest advertised location and purchase the product? Saved your life? NO! It's made you do nothing more but go the internet to see how you can get the special online.

Here's what I do. I take the junk mail and write or stamp return to sender. This results in the sender of the junk mail having to pay for postage twice.

As for door hangers. I'll take the door hanger to the company that hung the hanger and put it on their damn door. Yes I know I can just put out a no soliciation sign… I have one! They ignore it!

Its 2013 for heavens sake. Enough with junk mail. It's so 1950.

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