Fat Loss Jealousy

weight loss jealousy, afterthelevels.com, cory blaze, fat people
If a fat person looses weight, 95% of people cheer and celebrate their weight loss success. There are hundreds of TV shows that spotlight people conquering their weight problems.

But what about the majority of overweight people that have tried and tried to loose weight and just can't do it? Do they hate the ones that are successful?

As a person of larger carriage, I say yes we are.

Loosing weight in the mind of someone that is overweight and tried to loose, is a form of luck. Of course there is going to be a level of jealousy from the person wanting to loose weight that is never given the TV chance or doesn't have that support system that so many other successful weight losers have. You could build a rocket ship and fly it too mars quicker than convincing a career weight struggler they can loose weight. I

I am one of those haters. When I see someone overweight, loose weight; I first fake congratulate them. Secondly internalize why the hell it didn't happen to me, then I reflect back to when I lost a few pounds and how that person never made mention of me. And finally I result to utter jealousy and head over to the nearest Dairy Queen to drown my sorrows in a pint of rocky road.

It's really a game of luck. Will you be the lucky one to actually do it? If you are, just know I hate you - cause I'm never that freaking lucky.

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