Everyone Wants Cherry Pie, No One Wants to Bake It

"Everyone wants cherry pie no one want to bake it" is a metaphor for people wanting greatness but refuse to work for it. 

cherry pie, afterthelevels.com, food, hard work, metaphor
I live in a land called America. Yes I may bitch about this country, it's government and the state of it - but it's America. The land of opportunity. You can have anything your heart desires with some hardwork and dedication.

I'm bewildered by the people who just don't want to put in the extra effort to make something great. Even if the "cherry pie ingredients" are right there in front of their face. Most people have to save money, buy a car, gas it up, drive to the store, push their own cart, pull the items off the shelf, place them in the shopping buggy, pay for all the items, get them home then make the pie. That's another metaphor for doing all the leg work.

When it comes to hard work its exactly that, hardwork. Having my own internet radio show is fun from the outside looking in, but peal back the curtain - it's a lot of hard work and takes a strong team. Communication. Planning. Executing. It's not as simple as it looks.

If I'm surrounded by people that don't want to put the ingredients of the pie together, even after the ingredients are prepared for them, it drains the living life blood out of me. I don't understand it and I never will. My father broke his back to build a life for us as children, he's sixty something years old now and still leaves his house every morning to continue breaking his back for his children.

Nothing of greatness is going to come easy, nothing easy is going to contain greatness. Step up make it happen cause it won't happen by chance.

1 comment:

Jeffery L said...

Damn you make a good ass point in this post! Whew. Speak boy. I'd love to hear this discussed on your next show. I love FatGuyRadioShow!