Jason Collins Comes Out As Gay

jason collins, gay, afterthelevels.com, breaking news

NBA veteran Jason Collins became the first active male player in the four major American professional sports to come out as gay.

The 34-year-old center, who has played for six teams in 12 seasons, wrote a first-person account that was posted on Sports Illustrated's website Monday. Collins finished the season with the Washington Wizards and is now a free agent. He says he wants to keep playing.
''If I had my way, someone else would have already done this,'' he writes. ''Nobody has, which is why I'm raising my hand.''
Collins played in a Final Four for Stanford and reached two NBA Finals. His twin brother, Jarron, was also a longtime NBA center. Collins says he told his brother he was gay last summer.

Under 25 and Married

Congratulations guys on getting married. Before you go wash-off that wild honeymoon love scent permeating from your loins, I'd like to point out your entire life just ended before it began.

young marriage, unhappy marriage, afterthelevels.com
Guys, I'm talking to you, I understand that you don't know how to live on your own without your mom. But there is no better way to learn than to dive right in. Your mom will be there to bail you out. Trust me.

For the guy that just graduated highschool. Has his highschool sweetheart in tow and you're both heading off to college. Do not, I repeat do not, let her talk you in to getting married or having kids before your 30. Live life man. Get out, pierce something, smoke something, drinking something, steal something. Experience life. You're probably saying, "I don't have money for all that life experience." To which I say, then you don't have money for a wife and kids. Duh! Don't let your penis dictate your choices, not matter how hard (no pun intended) it is.

Let me tell you what happens when you marry or have kids young. You end up regressing at a later age. Your life becomes family, work, kids and struggles. Two of those are out of your control; work and struggles. Why compound that by adding a family and kids? You don't have to be alone, but experience some failures in life first so when you do marry and have kids you've got some battle scars to show you deserve it.

Manipulative Bitch!

You jump imediately. Go out of your way. Old men risk their hips. You do it with a big smile of hope on your face. Nothing gets in your way. You'll backstab your best-friend to do it.

What are we talking about here? Being a gullible idiot for a woman.

manipulative woman, afterthelevels.com,
I may not be the biggest womans-lib supporter and I do believe in being a gentleman. However, women that manipulate men with their simple helplessness eye lash bats is just damn discusting. Everyday I watch as married men, single men, and some women just fall prey to the simplest task just because a woman who's self esteem has plummeted so low they use their sensuality for gain. It's a trifling shame.

What the hell did you burn your bras for? Why did you scream from the mountain top "you're just as good as men"? When all you do is use your bosoms, walk, eyes, and ass for personal gain. Knowing damn well in your mind you will never give the guy your toying with a turtles wink of a chance at getting them sugar walls. You know, as well as we do, that's all we want.

Somethings wrong with me. I see right through that crap. I'm not walking you somewhere your own feet can carry. I'm not falling for your little Miss helpless and you're not getting anything out of me because you chose a low cut top this morning.

Go pull your crap on your husband, if you can get him from under his younger firmer assistant. Manipulative bitch!

OKC's Westbrook Out, Needs Surgery

russell westbrook out, injured, NBA, afterthelevels.com
All-Star point guard Russell Westbrook will have surgery to repair cartilage in his right knee and be out indefinitely, dealing a harsh blow to the Oklahoma City Thunder's championship chances.

General manager Sam Presti said Friday that the Thunder had not yet scheduled Westbrook's surgery and would not have an accurate timeline for his return until after the procedure was done. No one would rule out Westbrook's possible return if Oklahoma City keeps advancing in the playoffs, and All-Star teammate Kevin Durant only said his teammates ''hope'' Westbrook can play again this postseason.
''We're not trying to rush him or bring him back ahead of schedule. We want to make sure he's healthy and his knee is right,'' Durant said. ''That's our only concern with it right now. ... We have to come together as a team and worry about the basketball. All he has to worry about is him getting healthy.''

Lindsey Hunter Wants to Interview for Detroit Pistons Job

lindsey hunter, phoenix suns, nba, afterthelevels.com, breaking news
First let me start off by saying… let his ass GO!

The Phoenix Suns have not yet decided if they want to retain interim head coach Lindsey Hunter on a more permanent basis.

Of course, it's possible Hunter will make the decision for them.

According to Detroit Pistons pre and post-game host Matt Dery, Hunter is interested in the team's coaching vacancy.

Hunter, who guided the Suns to a 12-29 record, spent the bulk of his playing career in the Motor City and was a member of the Pistons' 2004 NBA Championship team.

The team recently parted with head coach Lawrence Frank, who was with the team for just two seasons. The Pistons went 54-94 under his leadership.

matt dery, twitter, afterthelevels.com

Reblogged from our friends at Arizona Sports

Everyone Wants Cherry Pie, No One Wants to Bake It

"Everyone wants cherry pie no one want to bake it" is a metaphor for people wanting greatness but refuse to work for it. 

cherry pie, afterthelevels.com, food, hard work, metaphor
I live in a land called America. Yes I may bitch about this country, it's government and the state of it - but it's America. The land of opportunity. You can have anything your heart desires with some hardwork and dedication.

I'm bewildered by the people who just don't want to put in the extra effort to make something great. Even if the "cherry pie ingredients" are right there in front of their face. Most people have to save money, buy a car, gas it up, drive to the store, push their own cart, pull the items off the shelf, place them in the shopping buggy, pay for all the items, get them home then make the pie. That's another metaphor for doing all the leg work.

When it comes to hard work its exactly that, hardwork. Having my own internet radio show is fun from the outside looking in, but peal back the curtain - it's a lot of hard work and takes a strong team. Communication. Planning. Executing. It's not as simple as it looks.

If I'm surrounded by people that don't want to put the ingredients of the pie together, even after the ingredients are prepared for them, it drains the living life blood out of me. I don't understand it and I never will. My father broke his back to build a life for us as children, he's sixty something years old now and still leaves his house every morning to continue breaking his back for his children.

Nothing of greatness is going to come easy, nothing easy is going to contain greatness. Step up make it happen cause it won't happen by chance.

The Injustice of Junk Mail

junk mail, mailbox, afterthelevels.com, cory blaze

Nothing worse than not getting around to checking your mail for a day or so to discover your mail box is stuffed with mail. Being diligent you stop and begin to cypher through it just to find that 99.8% of the mail is junk. The .2% is what you were expecting anyway… bills.

Companies masking their sales pitches in "check" form or "urgent notices". Why are we fighting to keep the US Postal service in business? I understand there are thousands of jobs at risk, but if we just train our postal service workers to use email they wouldn't want to work for the US Postal service resulting in NO damn junk mail.

Time is of the essence in many average peoples lives. Being required to take a piece of mail that looks like its something of note just to discover its some make-shift mortgage company trying to get you to refinance through their offshore account is rediculous. Stop waiting my time, its bad enough I have to deal with spam. I don't want spam in paper or congealed meat form.

Think about this; what elevation in life has junk mail provided you? Has a piece of junk mail ever saved you money? Made you run to the nearest advertised location and purchase the product? Saved your life? NO! It's made you do nothing more but go the internet to see how you can get the special online.

Here's what I do. I take the junk mail and write or stamp return to sender. This results in the sender of the junk mail having to pay for postage twice.

As for door hangers. I'll take the door hanger to the company that hung the hanger and put it on their damn door. Yes I know I can just put out a no soliciation sign… I have one! They ignore it!

Its 2013 for heavens sake. Enough with junk mail. It's so 1950.

Rachael Ray Show Hurt My Big Fat Feelings

Christina pagliarolo, rachell ray, afterthelevels.com, sueing
Big fat overweight teenager Christina Pagliarolo is suing the Rachael Ray show for negligence and intentional infliction of emotional distress, according to TMZ. Christina participated in a special show spotlighting overweight teens. She claims that the trainers working for the show yelled at her as she hiked a mountain, sped up a stairclimber to make her fall and continued to yell at her.

Oh poor fat chick! (this is where is gets ugly) Listen  you sensitive overweight tub of the unsexed womanhood. What the hell did you expect? Let me tell the story of how this really went down… shall I.

"Fat teenage girl, likes school jock since 4th grade. He wants nothing to do with her back then or now. One afternoon as the fat girl ensconced herself into a couch watching the Rachael Ray show while shoveling KFC wings dipped in Dairy Queen, the fat girl cry. The show tugged at her enlarged heart strings and offered her a chance to loose weight. Teen tub-a-lard hoofs it over to her webcam, cries into it, and emails the Rachael Ray show. Producers of the show get the email; after throwing up because of the pure magnitude of this touch-less she-monster, decided to hire the Shipping Wars trucks to haul her ass to the show. The What's Eating Gilbert Grape mothers body double is hit in the face with reality when she realized it wasn't going to be a sit down interview with Rachel, she was actually going to have to put forth physical effort. Because of her emotionally unstable mindset due to a lackluster relationship with her dad, she didn't like the beefcake trainers telling her what to do. When she got shipped back home via FedEx oversized freight, the teen mack-ass noticed the only weight she lost was taking off the horseshoes the iron worker mounted before she left for New York. Because she knew if she sued the show her facebook page would get as big as the left side of the cliff she calls an ass. So she did. In hopes that the notoriety would bridge the very small gap between her and school jock that has since come out the closet and plays for the NFL."

I think that pretty much covers it. Right Christina?

Christina Pagliarolo, trainers are supposed to be tuff, hurt your feelings, push you over the limit - grow a pair you wretched fat ass puff. Think I don't know the struggle, I do, but I'm not trying to sue over a failed attempt to get TV help for free. Get over yourself.

Next, Pop-Tart Ice Cream Sandwhiches

poptart ice cream sandwich, carls jr, afterthelevels.com, cory blaze, food, delish.com,
Following Taco Bell's Doritos Locos lead, many chains want to partner with other popular brands and food items. The latest is Carl's Jr., which is testing Strawberry Pop-Tart Ice Cream Sandwiches.

According to Foodbeast, a Newport Beach, CA, location of Carl's Jr. is testing the new ice cream sandwich. The treat consist of a scoop of vanilla ice cream sandwiched between two strawberry Pop-Tarts. An image of a sign for the product boasts that the dessert is "hand-scoopep."

This new menu item is definitely in line with previous Carl's Jr. dessert additions, like the Orea cookie ice cream sandwich. That dessert was also "hand-scooped" vanilla ice cream, but it came in between two extra-large Oreo cookies.

So far there's no word on whether or not this latest creation will make it past the testing phase. Unlike the oversized Oreo ice cream sandwiches, this is definitely something that Pop-Tar fans could make at home without needing to venture to their nearest Carl's Jr. locations.

Repost from our friends at Delish

Earth Day

In honor of Earth Day, one of my all time favorite Micheal Jackson videos. Enjoy and love mother earth!

Simple or Real Friend?

friendship, afterthelevels.com, cory blaze, bromance, buddies, true friends,
A simple friend, when visiting, acts like a guest. A real friend opens your refrigerator and helps himself (and doesn't feel even the least bit weird shutting your 'beer/soda drawer' with his foot.

A simple friend has never seen you cry. A real friend has shoulders soggy from your tears.

A simple friend doesn't know your parents first names. A real friend has their phone numbers in his address book.

A simple friend brings a bottle of wine to your party. A real friend comes early to help you cook and stays late to help you clean.

A simple friend hates it when you call after they've gone to bed. A real friend asks you why you took so long to call.

A simple friend seeks to talk with you about your problems. A real friend seeks to help you with your problems.

A simple friend wonders about your romantic history. A real friend could blackmail you with it.

A simple friend things the friendship is over when you have an argument. A real friend calls you after you had a fight.

A simple friend expects you to always be there for them. A real friend expects you to always be there for you!

Where do you fit? Simple or Real

On The Next FatGuyRadioShow

Exclusive 1on1 interview with the spectacular Motown group, The Miracles. Saturday April 20, 2013!  Live at fatguyradioshow.com

the motown sounds of the miracles, afterthelevels.com, fatguyradioshow, cory blaze

A Happy Birthday??

Oh boy!

Rethinking Hand Washing

man washing hands, afterthelevels.com, cory blaze
Everyone uses the restroom. Men mainly are the ones who physically come in contact with themselves during a bladder evacuation. The main purpose of washing your hands is to prevent the spread of germs. But have you thought about the way we currently wash our hands? Normally we wash after the use of the restroom.

Can you imagine how many germs we are putting on our junk when we unzip then handle for smaller version of ourselves? Maybe we should be washing our hands before we use the restroom instead of after. Our happy-johns throughout the day come in contact with what? Fabric and detergent residue. It's not often exposed to the germs floating in the air unless we're running around with our pants down.

With that being the case how many germs are we sharing with ourselves by touching ourselves to take a wiz. Millions. Then we go home and share ourselves with our partners therefore exposing them to the germs we have on our hands when we don't wash our hands before using the restroom.

I'm not a scientist, but I am a germafobe. I'll be playing it safe, washing before and after. I don't want the yuckies on my dangler.

Jack Hoffamn's 69 Yard TouchDown

This is touching, so I had to share. I first learned of this video on a sports talk show, FullCourtPressRadio. Enjoy this, if you havn't already seen it.

Alone On Your Birthday

sad guy, birthday, alone, afterthelevels.com, cory blaze,
Same time, same date, every year its my birthday. Is spending your birthday alone a sign that no one really cares?

This Tuesday, April 16, is going to be my 30-something birthday. There are no plans. No special events, outings, parties, what-not. Nothing. It's just working out to being another… Tuesday.

I guess it's really not all that bad. I can celebrate the fact that I've completed another trip around the sun.

Maybe when you reach a certain age the old adage of having something special for your birthday just wears off. We're either to old for a clown or two heavy for a pony, what else is there? I drink more often when its not my birthday, so whats the point!

I'll most likely wake up Tuesday morning, grab a cup of coffee from the kitchen. Stay in my pajamas all day and watch Roseanne reruns on TV Land before I retire back up to my room to sleep off the excitement of being in the living room.

This post is really becoming depressing.

Maybe it's a sign that I am a big asshole not deserving of true friends. Hmmm? Who knows. It's just another year closer to death. Unless I die on Monday. (how freaky would it be if I did and this was my last post?)



sexsomnia, man sleepwalking, afterthelevels.com, cory blazeSexsomnia is a real thing, and it just got a guy off in court. (no pun intended)

A Danish man has been acquitted of molesting two teenage girls after a positive diagnosis for sexsomni. This the term is a locker-room joke concocted by hormonal teenage boys? Nope, it's a real thing - a disorder that causes people to engage in sexual acts while they're sleeping.

The two 17-year-old girls accused the 32-year-old man of touching them and making sexual motions. But when former girlfriends told him he'd been naughty with them in the same fashion, he visited a sleep specialist, who confirmed the affliction after examining his bran patterns.

Don't try using this as an excuse for bad behavior: It's extremely rare, and even the prosecutor in this case admits, "It's not something that can be faked."

A $400 Billion Pack of Smokes

Imagine walking into your neighborhood convenience store to grab a soda and a pack of smokes. You get to the counter and the cashier looks at you and says, "that will be $400 billions and 89 cents please". Why the 89 cents? Cause you picked up the soda.

tobacco tax, tax increase, obama administration, afterthelevels.com, cory blaze
It may not happen exactly like that. In President Obamas budget tax increase plan, part of the $400 billion tax hike includes a tax increase on cigerettes. The current tax on a pack of smokes is $1.01. If the budget is rolled out, cigarettes would reportedly go to $1.95 tax providing an estimated $78 billion over the next decade to pay for preschool programs.

I'm a smoker, so I come from a place of familierarity. Remember when smokers got shafted in 2009 when Obama enacted a 63 cent tax increase? Where the hell is all that money now?

I understand tobacco is not the best thing for you and there's nothing we can do to avoid the tax increase because 5 out of 10 Americas hate smokers. But the majority of smokers are lower income families already struggling under this administration. Washington is getting really good at masking bad decisions with healthier presumptions.

How about a tax hike on oil companies? Or maybe higher payroll and investment taxes on the rich? The tax increases Americans have been screaming throughout his entire presidency. Again I say, no wonder other countries laugh at us.

But have no fear, I've got an alternative. HaloCigs E Cigerettes. A tobacco free, smoke free and now government free way to smoke. Order yours today. Click the banner below.


Tax hike that Obama!

Taco Bell Vows Healthier Food

What the hell is happening to this world?

taco bell, healthier eating, afterthelevels.com, cory blaze,
Taco Bell is reportily testing a range of healthier menu options and hopes to offer new items by the year 2020. The company plans to align themselves with the federal guidelines for fat and caloric intake. Which means a single meal would have one-third of the government's recommendation for daily caloric intake of 2,000 to 2,500.

I don't know about you, but when I go to Taco Bell I'm not expecting to eat healthy - hell I'm not expecting real meat. I'm expecting something covered in paraffin based cheese, garnished with liquid onion and served to me in plastic. If I want healthy options I'll eat a cardboard sandwich from Subway.

Taco Bell is Taco Bell. Their stock isn't dropping. Their customer base isn't slowing. Why the need for the change. The federal government isn't threatening to close them down. Why sort something that doesn't need sorting.

Damn it Taco Bell you're ruining a good thing. We went along with you when you introduced the fresco menu. We didn't buy it, but the fat house-frow yentas that wanted to feel healthier ordered off that no flavored loose bean menu. Why crap out an idea like this! Grant it, its going to take until 2020 to roll out, but your gambling with fat people futures. Who wants a healthy America? If that's the case we should change our name to France.

What's next, boiled chicken at KFC?

Full story here: MSN Money

Cory's Top 5 Dream Bromances

According to Wikipedia, a bromance is a close non-sexual relationship between two (or more) men, a form of affectional or homosocial intimacy.

Often on my radio show I'm accused of being the gayest person on the show. I don't see it, but it's well documented on FatGuyRadioShow that I have the lowest gay-dar on planet earth. I may very well be the gayest person on my show but I'd never know it.

Bromances are another thing. Below are pictures of my all time Top Five Dream Bromances with a homosexual intimacy chance rating. Not in any particular order:

dream bromance, leonardo dicaprio, dave franco, lou amundson, marcin gortat, russell westbrook, afterthelevels.com, cory blaze

Leonardo DiCaprio Our bromance would consist of us hanging out and talking about every possible bad movie role he's turned down. Potential for intimacy = 60%

Dave Franco Our bromance would consist of anything requiring us to remove our shirts. Swimming, biking, walking, breathing. Potential for intimacy = 80% (He's toned as balls)

Lou Amundson Our bromance would consist of us having some beers and bitching about all the NBA teams that kept trading him. And me styling his hair as he sits comfortably between my knees. Potential for intimacy = 100% (It's a mortal lock he's dreamy. Screw the bromance, we're flying to San Francisco in the morning)

Marcin Gortot Our bromance would consist of Marcin reading me the dictionary. His accent is entertaining. Potential for intimacy = 99.9% (No one really knows how big that polish hammer really is.)

Russell Westbrook Our bromance would consist of us traveling around to all his families houses and eating. He seems like his family would be where all the fun lies. We'd also play dress up. Potential for intimacy = 5%.

A few other bromances not pictured, Donald Fasion, Elliot Tittensor, Drake Bell, Johnny Depp, Johnn Knoxville, Rob Dyrdek and few others.

There you have it. Who are your dream bromances?

Lasy? Blame Genetics

New research suggest couch potatoes are born, not made.

lazy man, afterthelevels.com, cory blaze,
New research indicates that our genetics may play a role in whether or not we are inclined to be active. For this study, the researches studies rats to see which ones willingly ran the most during a six-day period. Then they purposely bred runner with other runners and the laziest ones with their equally slothful peers in order to create a line of "super runner" rats and a line of "couch potato" rats. They studies ten generals of these rodents and found that the runners consistently, and voluntarily, ran ten times more than the lazy line rats.

What's the different between the two groups that explain the wide variation in activity levels? Genes. According to study author Frank Booth, a professor in the MU College of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Missouri:

"While we found minor difference in the body composition and levels of mitochondria in the muscle cells of the rats, the most important thing we identified were the genetic differences between the two lines of rats".

In fact, they found 36 specific genes that seemed to play a role in the rats' motivation to work out. The future implications for this are huge, and the researchers plan more studies to figure out exactly how each of the 36 genes they've identified affects physical activity. Who knows, someday, designer babies may be able to come pre-programmed to love exercise and reap all the mental and physical health benefits that come along with it. At the very least, those unlucky enough to be born with the lazy gene could benefit from early interventions to help prevent obesity and encourage physical activity.

Repost: Original Post from our friends at MSN Healthy Living

My Dog Ate My… Money

A Montana man is hoping the federal government will reimburse him for his dog's expensive taste.

Wayne Klinkel said his golden retriever, Sundance, ate five $100 bills when he was left unattended in the car for a few minutes. Klinkel, left the bills inside a spring-loaded cubbyhole between the car's two front seats as he and his wife made a stop on their drive to visit their daughter. When they returned to their vehicle, there was no trace of the money - aside from half of a $100 bill on the driver's seat.

For the next several days, Klinkel followed Sundance around outside his daughter's Colorado home with a pair of rubber gloves and plastic baggies. From his past experience picking up after the dog, he knew the paper would probably exist the animal undigested.

He ended up retrieving large parts of two bills, and his daughter found additional bill pieces in her backyard one the snow melted. Klinkel said he washed all the remnant with dishsoap, dried and ironed the bills, and taped them together. He then took the pieced-together bills to various local banks to have them replace. Every bank refused, but referred him to the U.S. Treasury Department's Bureau of Engraving and Printing, where his request is apparently less unusual than it sounds.

Klinkel said he feels "very comfortable" that he has enough of each $100 bill to get his money replaced, but he has yet to submit his claim. The bills currently are now sitting under an iron to keep them nice and flat.

Until he gets his money replaced, Klinkel plans to remember two things. First, don't ever put anything of value in his car's cubbyhole. Second: "No more dogs, ever, will be unattended in the car. We normally don't do that, but we were gone for 45 minutes, tops. But Sundance, he never quits surprising me".

Fat Loss Jealousy

weight loss jealousy, afterthelevels.com, cory blaze, fat people
If a fat person looses weight, 95% of people cheer and celebrate their weight loss success. There are hundreds of TV shows that spotlight people conquering their weight problems.

But what about the majority of overweight people that have tried and tried to loose weight and just can't do it? Do they hate the ones that are successful?

As a person of larger carriage, I say yes we are.

Loosing weight in the mind of someone that is overweight and tried to loose, is a form of luck. Of course there is going to be a level of jealousy from the person wanting to loose weight that is never given the TV chance or doesn't have that support system that so many other successful weight losers have. You could build a rocket ship and fly it too mars quicker than convincing a career weight struggler they can loose weight. I

I am one of those haters. When I see someone overweight, loose weight; I first fake congratulate them. Secondly internalize why the hell it didn't happen to me, then I reflect back to when I lost a few pounds and how that person never made mention of me. And finally I result to utter jealousy and head over to the nearest Dairy Queen to drown my sorrows in a pint of rocky road.

It's really a game of luck. Will you be the lucky one to actually do it? If you are, just know I hate you - cause I'm never that freaking lucky.

Daddy Clorox Commercial

People have panned this commercial, including the guy that uploaded it to the YouTube page I pulled it from. The daddy clorox commercial is the single funniest thing I've seen in a while. I must be an immature man-baby, but I can't watch this without laughing my arse off every time.

You be the judge.

Bad Cookie Monster

fake cookie monster, time square, afterthelevels.com, cory blaze
Who doesn't know the affable sesame street character, Cookie Monster. If you had any sliver of a childhood you recall taking a chocolate chip cookie and eating it the "cookie monster" way. Right! Yumm, yumm, yum, yum, yum.

Like many other things these days, cookie monster requires parents to tip him when he poses for a picture with your toddler.

Well, not the real cookie monster - but Osvaldo Quiroz-Lopez, of NY, who dresses up like cookie monster expects tips and when he doesn't get it, cookie monster bites off more than a cookie.

Reports say, Osvaldo, 33, posed for a picture as cookie monster in central park Sunday with a 2 year old little boy. When Osvaldo presented his hand for a tip the Connecticut mother of the child balked & refused. Which sparked Osvaldo. He began cursing and yelling. Then pushed the toddler to the ground.

Needless to say, cookie monster was a bad monster. Of course he know sits in a New York jail charged with reckless endangerment and endangering the welfare of a child.

I wonder if the count will represent him in court.

Joel Osteen, Abondons Church & Faith?

joel osteen, joel osteen ministries, hoax, afterthelevels.com, cory blaze
Pastor of Americas largest church, resigns from the church and walks away from God? Before you fall out your hair, it's all an elaborate internet hoax.

It's a news flash with an asterisk: Lakewood Church Pastor Joel Osteen has resigned from the mega church that he has led since 1999, a move promoted by his decision to leave the Christian faith due to his "lack of faith". The asterisk is needed, mind you, because the story is completely false.

Who ever devised this elaborate hoax didn't just stop at a fake church website, which looks very identical to the genuine Joel Osteen Ministries website www.joelosteen.com.

The hoaxer also put up a bogus news sites trumpeting the hoax, replicating news outlets that include CNN, Yahoo and Christian News Network. Along with a bogus twitter page and YouTube video.

The internet is full of hoax like this, but why did this one get so much credit? Because we've now entered into a time when we all stare and applaud when the "big ones" fall. It's almost an expectation of the world.  We've seen it so many times before. Society champion failure, rather we admit it or not. It's the train wreck effect - you know it said, but you'll stand there and watch

Rest assure, this hoax will only have one outcome - more people being aware of Joel Osteen Ministries. Might not be such a bad hoax after all, this world may need a little more smiling preacher.

Famed Movie Critic Roger Ebert Dies at 70

roger ebert, dead, RIP, afterthelevels.com, cory blaze,
Roger Ebert, the most famous and most popular film reviewer of his time who also became the first journalist to win a Pulitzer Prize for movie criticism, and his long-running TV program, wielded the nations most influential thumb, died Thursday. He was 70.

Ebert, who had been a film critic for the Chicago Sun-Times since 1967, died early Thursday afternoon at the Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago, his office said. He had announced on his blog Wednesday that he was undergoing radiation treatment after a recurrence of cancer.

He had no grand theories or special agendas, but millions recognized the chatty, heavy-set man with wavy hair and horn-rimmed glasses. Above all, they followed the thumb - pointing up or down. It was the main logo of the televised show Ebert co-hosted, first with the late Gene Siskel of the rival Chicago Tribune and after Siskel's death in 1999 - with his Sun-Times colleague Richard Roeper. Although criticized as gimmicky and simplistic, a "two thumbs up" accolade was sure to find its way into the advertising for the movie in question.

Safe home Roger Ebert.

Source: MSN Entertainment

Kid President WH April Fools

With the help of kid president, the White House released an April fools joke. This has to be the cuttest video ever. Check it out (hint; pay attention to him "clicking it"):

They told him to stop clicking it, yet he kept clicking it! Is that not a classic kid moment or is that not a classic kid moment? Hope everyone can take this video in the context of which it was presented. Loosen your tie for a moment and laugh.

Happy April Fools Day!

Fat & Fat, Think of the Science

fat couple, sex, afterthelevels.com, blog, cory blaze
Amazing concept here. Let me preface this by saying, I'm fat - so I'm coming from a place of experience.

Warning to fat people near and abroad, the Dan and Roseanne Conner love bed is just TV. It's not real. Why I say, because the physical science between fat people mating is just not in favor of either party involved.

This is not speculation, it's true! I've tried mating with someone of my caliber, sure things happened - but they didn't happen the way they should have.

Most people of larger carriage result to more of an oral contact. That has its expiration date. Trust me.

This is not to say fat people can't mate. We can. You just have to consider the physical science. A fat man can mate with a skinny woman. A fat woman can mate with a skinny man. A skinny man and skinny woman can mate. A fat man cannot mate properly with a fat woman. It's a harsh reality I know.

Michael Beasley's Skittles Habit

The Phoenix Suns Michael Beasley recently revealed to the Arizona Republic he has an obsession with Skittles. Claiming to eat six to seven bags a day in the privacy of his home never snacking on his obsession around the other Phoenix Suns team members.

michael beasley, skittles, afterthelevels.com, cory blaze

Skittles, cool. As a fat guy I like Skittles too. Other than the harsh treatment skittles can have on your teeth, can we look at this story for what Beasley is possibly really saying.

Someone piss test this professional athlete. Why does he have an obsession with Skittles because they are the pot heads dream candy, allegedly.

It's obvious that Beasley partakes in the recreational usage of the cannabis, allegedly. Not calling him out in judgement, I'm just thrown by how stupid our Arizona media can be. He's obsessed because he's tokin baby, allegedly! Duh. I ain't mad at the Beas, but tell it like it is man. You chomp skittles cause you get blazed, allegedly, and you don't chomp skittles around the other Phoenix Suns teams members because you're NOT blazed.

No matter how you look at it, two plus two equals four. I'm going out to buy stock in Skittles, because once this story hits the cannabis circuit it's time to roll to the bank. Allegedly.

Bees Swarm Houston Womans Truck

honey bees swarm car in houston, texas, afterthelevels.com, cory blaze, reblog
How would you like to walk outside and find thousands of bees on your car? That'w what happened to  Gwen Gayden of Houston, Texas, who woke up Saturday to find an estimated 8,000 honeybees swarming her pickup truck's front tire. Afraid to move of even approach the truck, Gayden waiting patiently for the bees to buzz off (get it). But they didn't, so she called the authorities, who were too busy to respond. Finally, she alerted the local TV station, KHOU 11 News, which summoned a pest-control expert, who carted away the colony in a cardboard box. Sweet. The expert said that maroon color of her truck may have attracted the bees. Note to self: no maroon cars in Houston.

Courtesy of the HuffingtonPost