I have cried out for years that Cox Communications is one of the worst companies in America... finally someone agrees.
After being through bill change after bill change after service interruption and lack of customer service I have written, verbalized even vocalized my distain for Cox Communications on my radio show, FatGuyRadioShow. Nothing is ever done and now finally someone with "a voice" has listed Cox as one of the most disliked companies in America.
Of course I have to disagree with its ranking, but at least it made the list. In my book, it should have been number one.
Here are the rankings:
#15 Bank of America (no shock there, but thanks for my mortgage)
#14 DirectTV (I don't use them anyway. now I have a reason)
#13 Aetna
#12 Facebook (should be higher on the list from that IPO abortion)

#11 Century Link (just because you changed your name from Quest can't fool us)
#10 Delta (never fly them, now I have a reason why)
#9 US Airways (this is shocking to me, because I've always had a good experience with them)
#8 American Airlines
#7 Cox Communications (see my take above. should be number 1)
#6 Time Warner (yeah, that sums it up. they own everything)
#5 United Airlines (thanks for the reason never to fly you)
#4 Comcast - Television Service (they must take their cue from Cox Communications)
#3 Charter Communication (not in my area, glad they aren't)
#2 Northeast Utilities
and the number one most disliked company in the America, drum roll please...
#1 Long Island Power Authority (i've heard some stories, but they're not in the west so I'm happy about that. sorry east coast)
Suck it Cox Communications. You should be number one. I want a redo, recount, Cox should be higher... and out of business.
If you want to read the entire article published by The Business Insider here is the link. Share & tell everyone, maybe something will change.
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