Colo. Fires Burn Out of Control is a blog site I try to keep entertaining and fun. However, I have to mention these fires in Colorado. The extent of this fire is out of control and I know they are doing everything possible to get a handle on these fires.

Today is was reported that 2-mile wall of fire swept down a ridge in Teller County. More than 32,000 people have been evacuated and more are expected to have to.

I'm taken back to when my state, Arizona, was on fire. Even though I was not directly effected by the wild fires I hurt for the people that lost their livelihoods to a wild fire. Lot of communities that are in danger of these fires don't  live concrete city lives like most of us do. They grow their own food, they raise their own food, they live off the land with a minimal amount of need from the city. So when a fire blazes through and destroys everything they have built it's tramatic. Some homes are sitting on lots of land their family has owned for over 100 years and too see all that history gone.

My heart goes out to the communities in Colorado. I pray for the people fighting this fire that they are protected and given the wisdom to curtail and gain control. 

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