Oklahoma City Thunder Collapse In Finals Game 5

Give it to Miami, minus Lafron Lame, they played in game 5 sending Oklahoma City Thunder home.

nba finals 2012, oklahoma city thunder, miami heat

This game five lost in Miami on Thursday June 21, 2012 is a direct reflection of OKC's head coach Scott Brooks. Hats off to OKC for getting to the finals, but playing in the finals is another thing. Scott Brooks, OKC head coach, had no emotion during game four. Why wasn't OKC running? OKC galloped on offense and skipped up on defense.

I kind of understand being an encouraging coach, but as Alvin Gentry has said before about coaching the Phoenix Suns "A coach has to know when to drive the urgency". Scott Brooks offered no urgency to these players. The peppy love taps of encouragement don't work in the finals. Brooks needed to get in the face of the players, get some emotion and show he is in the game too.

From my vantage point, he did not do so. Too many jumpers called. Not enough Durant touches. And only God knows what Russell Westbrook was up to.

James Harden never showed up and Kevin Durant tried his best.

The "workover" of the refs of course only helped boost Miami to the win. Every time rather it was a no call or a call, Miami worked over the refs in every game. It's makes a difference in a finals game. Calls didn't go the way of OKC and they never let the refs know. I have never seen a team wanting to win, being down in a game, not draw a technical somewhere. That goes back to the lack of passion and emotion to win this game and ultimately a champion ship. I think OKC was ready but the coach lacked.

I applaud OKC, but I can't say it's not a level of disappointment that they couldn't will themselves for a chance. Kevin Durant can't do it alone, but in game four I don't feel he was given the chance.

Now my worst fear have been realized, Lafron Lame has a ring. But only one compared to the greats and David Stern never got the dream match up of Miami and the Lakers in the finals. So I guess my dream didn't end too bad.

Hats off to Dwayne Wade, Chris Bosch, Mario Chalmers, Mike Miller and their coach. Lafron Lames can kiss my ass. Cleveland deserves that ring, not Lafron.

But I leave you with this, no matter winning or loosing... they're all still millionaires!

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