Gay & Lesbian Couples Look Hot

Not being gay myself, I have observed something about gay and lesbian couples. They are always made up of two very good looking people.

lesbian couple, afterthelevels,, fatguyradioshow, cory blaze, blog, gay couples
If there is a relationship between two women, a lesbian couple, it consist of two very good looking women. If there is a relationship between two men, a gay couple, it consist of two very good looking - in shape men (yes even the old queens). You very rarely see uhgo's in a gay or lesbian relationship.

This past weekend San Francisco hosted what's now being labeled as the largest Gay Pride festival in the world. When I viewed some pictures online from the street event, every damn person in a picture was pretty. I have gay friends and they are all very physically fit, dress in the latest fashions and carry themselves well.

I don't get it. No wonder they find each other so attractive. Hell why wouldn't they. Who in their right mind, gay or straight, isn't attracted to a well kept fit person? We all are. Point me to one person that can look at these pictures in this post and honestly say "these four individuals are out of shape and unattractive". Never will happen, only difference they're stock photos of gay and lesbian couples.

I challenge you to Google search gay and lesbian couples and find me an ugly couple. Won't happen, because their all hot - both sexes.

lesbian couple, afterthelevels,, fatguyradioshow, cory blaze, blog, gay couples
Now I know there is a segment of the homosexual community that's heavy. But even in that case, they're still good looking. Kind of how I feel about Native Americans or Islanders, some of them come in big packages, but they are still good looking.

Some of my gay friends live in the gyms while others are just naturally fit and stay well fit. It's a curse I particularly don't care for, but in the words of my lil brother "it is what it is".

I guess gay and lesbian couples are just lucky that way, because the rest of us straight folks can be ugly as hell. Google search that... ugh.

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