Jealous Women Trip Me Out

True story; I'm driving home from my numbers job and a very attractive young woman, who you wouldn't expect to be walking on the side of the road, was walking on the side of the road. Me being me, I start to gaze at all the cars around me. With out missing a beat every straight male had their eyes glued on this blonde bombshell walking up 7th Street towards Greenway Blvd, twisting her hair as she so gracefully floated to the corner. It didn't help that she had long blonde hair with the perfect mix of highlights and she was wearing a free flowing topper that was split in the back allowing us to have a front row seat to view the wagon she's draggin... and yes it was nice, for a white girl. Thank God for the long stop light.

Anyway, back to the point of this post. As I gazed in my rear view mirror to see all the penises ogling this woman, I noticed that every house-frou yenta was also looking with discuss and hatred in their eyes.
afterthelevels, cory blaze, jealous women, girl fight, fatguyradioshow,

This woman walking on the side of the road, minding her own business, drew the ire of every woman driver. One woman in particular was next to me in a grey minivan. She looked to be somewhere around 40 years old, wearing a black pants suit, because she believed it demonstrates an image of power in her male dominated profession. This woman mouthed words I can't even put on this blog with out changing the adult rating. This lady was obviously extremely jealous of this woman simply walking on the side of the road.

Now there's a 99% chance of never seeing this woman walking on the side of the road after that day, but just noticing the immense disgust by every other woman driving just took me by surprise. It told me that these women, expressing complete jealously on their faces, is lacking something in their life. Something is not happening at home that is causing them to feel so less than this barbie walking on the side of the road.

I work with my little brother on my radio show,, and its very well documented on my show that I feel lil D is better looking than me. But
on the inside that doesn't make me jelous of him because he's thinner and some times taller than me. It inspires me to get my fat ass under control.

But women, damn, get a hold of yourselves. That fun bag carrying woman had nothing to do with you throwing in the towel, trapping your "husband" into a relationship and spitting out 4 kids. You made that choice. So now you're 40 plus years old, big degree on the wall, a successful corporate career, bags under your eyes - because of the long nights of staying up to try to compete with the men in your office, your boobs have gone from a 40DD to a 40 long, and your husband won't touch you because you want to control him like you've attempted to do at your place of business. I pretty much summed it up huh? Here's the kicker, there's nothing you can do about it now. You'll just have to resolve to being jelous. But don't worry, keep up the controlling thing with your husband and you'll see more women like the blonde bombshell... because your kids will be calling her stepmom.

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