Happy Birthday Sheriff Joe Arpaio

afterthelevels.com, sheriff joe arpaio, 80th birthday, fatguyradioshow, cory blaze, fatguyradioshow.com
Our sheriff Joe Arpaio celebrates his 80th birthday today.

You can say what you want about Sheriff Joe, I have supported his efforts in keeping my county safe and always will. I've been awarded the opportunity to meet Sheriff Joe in the past and I fully understand he has the safety of Maricopa county as his focus. So I solute my sheriff, Sheriff Joe Arpaio the toughest Sheriff in the West!

If you have a problem with him, its most likely because you've met him on the wrong side of the law. Keep your nose clean & you'll have nothing to worry about.

Happy Birthday Sheriff, AfterTheLevels.com a blog by Cory Blaze, wishes you many many more!

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