Best Study Ever Performed

Best study ever proves booze really does make life better.

drinking, party, booze, better life, afterthelevels,, fatguyradioshow, cory blaze

I would like to propose a toast to our new favorite scientiest, a team from the Boston University School of Medicine who've found that folks who drink "in moderations: have a better quality of life than those who completely cut out the booze. The researches tracked more thatn 5,000 50 years olds, and discovered that the regulare drinkers scored highest when measured on factors includeing dexterity, emotion, cognitions and mobility. "Overall, this study shows a positive relation between regulare moderate alcohol intake and quality of life in middle-aged adults," said the studys authors. It's worth noting that their definition of "moderate" alcohol consuption is "no more than 14 drinks a week, and more more than three a day for women and four a day for men." Better crack open a bottle now if you want to meet your daily quota.
Source -

My response: Duh. 
Drinking always makes life more fun. Just look at this guy - tell me he didn't have a night. 

drinking, party, booze, better life, afterthelevels,, fatguyradioshow, cory blaze, drunk, naked, guy, shirtless

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