Daddy Drunk Care

36 year old Ramon Carrillo is the new owner/operator of what AfterTheLevels calls... Daddy Drunk Care.

ramon-carrillo,, tempe, children, drunk, passed out, arrested, dui, AZ heat wave, fatguyradioshow, cory blaze
Ramon apparently carries his 1 and 2 year old children to his car in Tempe, AZ on Monday afternoon. He was so intoxicated after securing his children in their car seats he puts the key in the ignition, doesn't start the car because he passes out. All this takes place in a cheap hotel parking lot.

The unfortunate thing is that on Monday, June 18, Tempe, AZ registered 111 degrees outside which most likely offered up 115 to 120 degrees inside the vehicle. Now the papa of the year did have enough wits about himself to roll down the front windows of his car all the way and the back windows were half way down. But if you have ever been in Tempe/Phoenix during the summer months you can rip the top of the car off and it still be unbearably hot.

So of course, Daddy-so-wonderful, is noticed by hotel workers to be passed out in the front seat of the car. I can just picture this; dad slumped over the steering wheel snoring his ass off while "Lupe" & "Rico" are enjoying their push up pico in the backseat.

Tempe police arrive to the scene in time enough to find the kids unharmed and to awaken "Fathers Knows Rest" in an attempt to perform a field test. And as you predicted, he failed with flying colors.

Booked in to the Tempe Jail, his bail was set at $8,000 according to police report.

In Tempe, where ASU is located, I'm pretty sure this is the first time someone has passed out in their car. You just can't do it with the kids. Be like me, my little fella knows the only time he can drive my car is when I'm drunk!

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