Lil Darth Vader Heart Surgery Success

I remember like it was just yesterday, perched upon my living room couch; friends and family all around. We were bashing some of the horrible commercials airing during the Superbowl. Until the sound of Empire Strikes Back track is heard. A calm leery silence falls over the crowd as everyone turned to the 60inch plasma. At that moment is when we were introduced to what I would call the best commercial of the Superbowl... Lil Darth Vader!, little dark vader, max page, children's hospital, fatguyradioshow, cory blaze

The pint sized Darth Vadar was doing his best to use the force until he tried it on the car! Being able to convey a reaction with out a face shot is remarkable. You just knew behind that mask, he was have a "Joey moment" Whoa!, little dark vader, max page, children's hospital, fatguyradioshow, cory blaze
Max Page was the 6 year old actor that played little dark vadar. When it was reveal on GMA back in February 2011 we also learn he has a heart defect. 

Recently Max went in for open heart surgery and we are proud to announce along with the rest of the world, this cute little boy is up walking and doing great. Doctors expect him to go home either later today or tomorrow after having a pulmonary valve in his heart replaced due to a congenital condition. 

We join with the world in saying Max we are proud of you and wish you a speedy recovery! 

Now to keep it real, I hope his parents have their heads on right because when that kid becomes a star we don't need another Culkin kid on our hands. Keep him grounded... and where's his father... Luke?

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