Hanson Brothers Comeback

Fine, I'll admit it.. I'm a Hanson fan! You remember those long haired mmm-bop boys. Don't sit there for a minute and act like you didn't bounce your head to the lyrics.

Zac, Taylor and Isaac Hanson made up Hanson

hanson, afterthelevels, fatguyradioshow, cory blaze, blog, free, comedy, come back, music, mmm bop

I know they have tried to make a come back in the past. Last year or so they released a new track titled "Thinkin bout Somethin" which kind of just fizzled out. Thinking 'Bout Somethin' Available on Amazon

Maybe its the industry. Maybe there isn't room for a band of brothers that actually play real instruments and sing real harmony. Maybe the industry has rejected their talent because it doesn't mess with the "auto-tune" crap we get today. Not sure what the reason is, but if our record industry is going to outst real talent we're heading for a bad place in this world.

Note to the record industry, you and I both know you control it all - don't forget the industry you are in started on vocalist with talent and real instruments.

Hanson, I await your come back and will welcome you with open arms!

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