Kevin Durant Moved to Tears After Finals Lost

This is hard for me to watch.

As the Miami Heat celebrated on their home court in front of thousands of fans in attendance and millions watching around the world, Oklahoma City Thunder were packing up their Nike's and going home.

As OKC headed too the locker room, the normal court-side kiss and hug from the beautiful "mama Durant" never took place on the sidelines. As Kevin Durant made his way off the court, headed towards the tunnel. As he rounded the tunnel corner you can just see the emotion building in his face and he finally lets go when he kisses this special person in the tunnels...

In the arms of his mother Kevin Durant reminded us how much he wanted to bring that trophy home. What better place to be consoled but in the arms of your mother and what a pictures of strength she is, she allowed her son to break while she stood strong. I'm sure she wanted to cry with him, but as she turned and watched him walk away the strength in that woman is written all over her face.

I know how much Kevin Durant wanted to win this game. If you read down you'll see my take on why he didn't win (which is just my opinion, hell its my blog). But this emotional moment with Durant and his mother just tugs at my heartstrings.

You can almost see Kendrick Perkins looking emotional also. Those boys wanted it! It's written all over their face.

Most of us expect our basketball players to be strong, emotionless creatures, but in fact they are just kids. Durant is 23 years old. Not just the emotion of loosing the championship, but the emotion of being in the playoffs period. I would have wanted it the other way, I wanted seven games with OKC coming out on top - that's obvious.

This young man wanted that championship and he should have gotten in. Do you think Lafron would have cried not getting it again? Nope because he's selfish and its all about him.

Keep your head up Durant, you've shown the world what kind of player, person, and human being you are.

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