Cars Should Come With LED Signs

Have you ever wanted to get a message to a dumb ass driver? Maybe someone who is driving so slow there's a line of traffic stacking up a mile behind them on a 2 lane highway. If you've ever felt this way, especially during rush hour traffic, I think I have a solution.

Cars with LED signs that can display your message of discontentment for the idiot driver.

bad drivers, driving, sign, road sign, driving, grandmas, grandparents, AZ, roads, Phoenix,, cory blaze,
I know this will never happen, but my point is, when someone is so much into their own world; they can give a rats ass about the people around them they deserve a sign. One that reads, "hey dumbass pull over" or "the peddles on the right".

In Arizona road rage is an ever rising concern for our police force, unfortunately I can see why. Some of these people on the roads are so incompetent in their driving, I wonder if they actually have a licence. If they were granted driving privileges in Arizona, who the hell gave it to them?

There should be a cut off age for driving in this state and country. Or at least after a certain age your drivers license goes from expiring every 700 years to every year, with a mandate of a vision, response, road comprehension, and IQ test. I know that many people with grandparents are going to be upset about that last comment, but suck it up; they're old and can't drive any more. We all know the reason you want your frailass gram-grams to keep driving - it voids you having going the extra mile to get her to her 15th doctors appointment of the week. But I digress.

Idiot drivers cause idiot crashes. Just this morning driving my way to an unexciting location, I was traveling south on 7th street. For those of you not familiar with 7th street, is a road in the middle of Phoenix, AZ that during certain hours allows thru traffic to use the middle lane. Meaning the opposing traffic must refrain from its use during these hours. I'm heading south, its southbound traffics right-a-way for the middle lane and not one but two cars traveling north are making a left hand turn from that middle lane. Behind them, one lane over, a police officer. Police officers response... nothing.

I want a LED sign on cars so we can communicate with the village idiots our DMW has allowed on the road. Make is a shiny sign so their pea size brains will notice it.

1 comment:

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Business Signs