Gangnam Style = Vapid Entertainment

I'll say it since no one else has the balls: We are a breed of people entertained by the glimmer of an empty discarded oil drum.

Gangnam Style,, blog, music, cory blaze
Yes, I'm talking about all of you that have placed your hooks knee deep in Gangnam Style. How has this non-music computer derived dribble become the hottest thing in America? Do we not all take account of our own lives? We are showing the children, our countries future, that songs like Gangnam Style is what music is.

We would be entertained by dancing piles of elephant dung if it moved to a 1980's club beat.

I'm sure PSY is living up the benefits of finally striking a number one hit with the "westerners", known as Americans. Why wouldn't he!

What we have all fail in recognizing is… it's not real music. It's a computer generated rhythmic pattern put to lyrics that repeat every 2-3 bars. The song offers no substance, talent, or effort. I'm not attacking PSY, he's just the record labels billboard, but the over embraced excited that has displayed itself has me in awe. It really proves us as a vapid talentless cheer section for anything.

I will release a track, it will be called Skidrow Style. I'll wear the black pants with the skinny tie and jacket while hoping up and down on skidrow. And you know what… you'll all buy it because we wouldn't know talent if it came up, grabbed our grandmothers crotch while kicking our dads in the balls!

Embrace substance, not one hit wonder vapidness.

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