IPhone 5... Underwhelming?

Apple announced the official launch of the new iphone 5 set to be available for purchase Friday September 21, 2012.

new iphone 5, cory blaze, apple, release, speculation, afterthelevels.com
Allow me to set the table that I am an Apply guy. I have an Apple Macbook Pro, Apple TV, Apple IPad 3, an IPhone, and a IPod. I live my life on Apple, I do this blog from my Apple and I'm looking to replace my Macbook Pro with an IMac in the next few months (gotta save up $1500). I strongly believe that there is NO comparing a Mac with a PC. Macs are far more superior.

When I learned Apple was going to release a new IPhone my first reaction was awesome. Like many others I waited on purchasing the 4, kept my upgrade options open with AT&T, to see what the IPhone 5 was going to be all about.

With anything Apple, there are going to be leaks and much speculation. For example, when Apple announced they were creating a new cell phone; the IPhone, there was much speculation about what it was going to be.

Everything that was leaked about the IPhone 5 turned out to be true. Bigger screen, new glass, etc. For some reason that didn't sit well with me. I was glued to my Internet last week for the unveiling and walked away feeling like I just waisted my time because Apple told me everything I had already heard. Leaving me... underwhelmed with the IPhone 5.

As mentioned on the last episode of FatGuyRadioShow, there is nothing about the IPhone 5 that makes me want to run out, use my AT&T upgrade or stand in a long line to get one.

I like it when Apple can throw me a curve ball. When the IPhone 4 was being hyped and speculated there was nothing said about Siri. So when Apple released Siri I jumped out my seat. It was something different and new. Until we all learned that Siri was useless.

This time I truly feel that Apple blew their wad with the leaks and speculation. The only welcomed unrest is the screen size. It's setting us up for a mini IPad to compete with the Kindle & the Galaxy. Again speculation.

I expected more Apple, I'm sorry to say... I expected more.

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