Filipino Boy Nails Whitney Houston Song

Excuse me for a moment while I pick my jaw up off my desk. This is something I have never seen before. In case you missed it, a little Fillipino boy sings Whitney Houston's hit "I Will Always Love You". You will be amazed!

Now I'm sure you're thinking the same thing I was thinking "the guy holding the camera needs to shut the hell up".

It might just be me, but can the dude-chick with the man bag in the pink shirt or anyone else around this gifted little boy be any less interested in this amazing performance? It appears as if he is annoying them or maybe they couldn't hear him through the $2 sound system that is clearly marked Sony. The only person seen showing any kind of interest is a little field boy… until he runs off to chase a rock with a stick.

I don't boast about videos like this because they surface so often, but this one blew me away. Unfortunately there's a big potential for a record label to get ahold of this raw talent and ruin his life for a few shiny pennies.

I wish this little guy the best and I can only hope he has a strong family unit around him that will protect him from the thorns of a reckless music industry. If nothing else we have this video to enjoy.

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