Review: COMA Premier on A&E

Monday September 3, 2012 A&E premiered their latest mini series; COMA staring Lauren Ambrose. A four hour mini series about a young medical student who discovers a sinister plot when routine procedures send seemingly healthy patients into comas on the operating table.

AE, AETV, COMA, tv premier, tv shows, science fiction,, cory blaze, blog,

Never being a person who's attracted to a four hour mini series on a cable network, COMA from the first advertisement, had me highly interested. With my past experiance in the healthcare industry, specifically in a hospital enviorment stories like this are a draw. My interest was not in vain.

The first two hours of this series had me vexed with intrigue and fascination. COMA's story line, so far, has left me with so many questions circling in my mind. Who's with who? Who can be trusted? Why? Where? Which at the end of the day will bring me back to watch part two.

This show is riveting and anyone with a medical background will be inthralled with it.

My initial review of COMA part one, it's actors and story line: 4.5 out of 5

This isn't your everyday Scrubs episode. No network other than A&E could bring you such a story. Directed by Ridley Scott. COMA truly surpasses the typical science fiction story and penetrates reality.

I'm all in and I suggest you be to. "Don't trust anyone" - Dr. Stark

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