Women, We Smell You

Sophisticated women of the world, I have an announcement that you may not want to hear: Guys can smell your feminine odor.

Sitting with your legs crossed or trying to cover it with perfumes does not work. We smell it and we don't react. Why don't we react, because the first thought in a guys mind when you smell something rank, like a woman's fun hall... is that me?

This is an inconvenient truth, but if I didn't tell you, you women would walk around the world thinking no one else can smell this like I can so I'll be okay until I get home. Wrong! The moment you start smelling the seepage we smell it.

Guys also know when you've tried to clean it up and failed at it. Admit it, some women don't know how to clean up that swamp monster down there. We can tell when you've scurried off to the restroom and tried to rid yourself of the Korean fish market, to only return smelling like soap and funk. You just created a new dance, the soapy Korean fish funk.

Women I hope I've helped you a little, we know - when you know so just go with it. Besides most guys don't really care, we're just not going anywhere near your lady marsh land.

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