Pizza Guy That Bear Hugged Obama Is Famous Now

pizza guy, bear hug, president obama, Florida, reblogged, blog, cory blaze,,,
Remember the dude that owns a pizza joint and bear hugged the president yesterday and miraculously didn't get taken down by a swarm of Secret Service agents?
That dude is totally famous now.
Port St. Lucie resident Scott Van Duzer has been caught in a media frenzy after the big hug since yesterday. He's even going to be on Anderson Cooper.
Also, he's a registered Republican who voted for Obama in '08 and is planning to vote for him again this year.
Suck on that, Joe the Plumber! 
Van Duzer swears that he never got permission from the Secret Service to go all Thunder Lips on Rocky on the president. And that it was all spur of the moment.
Before the president "kicked open the door" as Van Duzer remembers it, the Secret Service went through the restaurant and removed anything that could possibly be used as a weapon, including knives and scissors. The 6-foot-3-inch, 260-pound Van Duzer said he never asked the Secret Service if he could put his arms around the president because he didn't even know he was going to do it.
The Secret Service removes all sharp objects to protect Obama, but then he almost gets crushed to death by a pizza making behemoth? Also, Obama kicked the door open? Is this a James Bond movie?
"I didn't know I was going to hug the guy," founder of the Van Duzer Foundation said. "It was something special that I'll never forget."
I'l never forget the time that I almost dislodged the leader of the free world's spinal column with my bear hands. That's a keeper of a memory, right there!
Still, Van Dozer says he's a big fan of Obama's message as well as his genuine personality.
"I saw it first-hand," Van Duzer said of the president's personality. "It didn't feel like it was just another stop on his tour."
When he heard this news, Mitt Romney probably did one of those slow sarcastic claps, but then he had to stop because of all the sparks created from his robot hands.
Van Duzer, meanwhile, told the Palm Beach Post that the president spent almost $200 worth of pizza, and left a more than 30 percent tip for the wait staff.
This guy. 
He bows to foreign leaders and dignitaries, fist bumps like a terrorist, hugs pizza shop owners and leaves a generous tip for the hard working people who served him at restaurants.

reblogged from Palm Beach NewTimes

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