The Flu Bru-Ha Ha

Every one's heard of the tragic story about the 17 year old basketball player passing away from the flu in January 2011. Well the story has now resurfaced amid the beginning of influenza season. Circumstantial, maybe.

flu shot, influenza, virus, flu season, shots, cory blaze,,
Allow me to set the tone, I'm not a supporter of the flu shot. I have gotten it and my flu symptoms were double what they were when I didn't get the shot. I believe the flu shot is a money making scare tactic, period.

Do I believe the flu can kill people? Yes. Many virus today can lead to death. Do I believe the flu shot protects you from getting the flu? No.

What many people don't realize is the flu shot is essentially a deadened microorganism containing the influenza virus. The dead virus is injected into your system with the intention on creating enough antibodies to stave off the live virus. Source

In some documented cases the virus reactivated itself after being injected resulting in the person getting the flu 10x's worst than contracting it from a door knob. One case from 2005 suggest a completely different disease developed after the flu shot was administered. Source

I think it's a bunch of malarkey. I know hundreds of people that have never gotten a flu shot their entire life's. They range in age from 9 to 53 years old, and they are all going strong. I'm sorry, it's fear.

If you choose to get the shot, get it. But I think its bull crap to force people to get the shot based solely on fear tactics. Besides, the flu isn't some new outbreak thing… it happens every season. I can understand the urgency, if every season the world population dwindled from the flu. Remember how devastating the H1N1 outbreak was… oh wait. [face]

Here's a worthwhile workaround; how about you wash your nasty ass hands all the time and maybe teach your dirty ass kids to be clean. That might help, verses the $35-$150 flu shots.

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