Tarnished-Silver Lining to Not Being Employed

Lots of people are out of work right now, I understand its hard. There is a tarnished-silver lining to not being gainfully employed, you no longer have to deal with that work-jerk or ass of a boss.

asshole, boss, employee, unemployed, benefits, afterthelevels.com, cory blaze
Do you remember that big ass of a boss you had? Or that work jerk who thought he was the selfish glue that held the company together because he stumbled upon something that saved the company thousands of dollars 10 years ago, yet he continues to ride that gravy train?

Better yet, what about the boss with the trust issues that eerily creeps around your workstation wall wondering if your sending an email to HR about his blatant favoritism with one female employee?

How about the boss that took every idea you ever had and made it his own? Or the higher-up that directed you to perform a task even though you don't have the resources to accurately perform the task so when you fail the higher-up can make a case for your incompetence.

Do you miss these kinds of people? They still exist out there and they are getting worse! These ass hat people in the workplace have it in their minds that you need to work, so they can treat you however the damn well please because if buck back in any way you're out on your ass.

And this folks is why we have so many people going into workplaces and filling them full of lead.

Do you still miss these kinds of people?

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