High Profile Murderers Are Rarely Overweight

Today I had a conversation with Israel "clean up man", the custodian for our studios and we came across the subject of high-profile serial killers. One point made was, they were never over weight at the time they killed.

We looked at some of the most infamous killers known; Charles Manson, Ted Bundy and most recently  James Holmes. All these guys were average built men. None being over weight.

charles manson, average built guy, afterthelevels.com, cory blaze
ted bundy, average built guy, afterthelevels.com, cory blazejames holmes, average built guys, afterthelevels.com, cory blaze

Neither on of us, Israel or myself, are considering committing any crimes but if we did we'd never fit the profile… we're overweight.

I would be interested to know if random women were asked if they found any of these serial killers attractive if they weren't who they became. Well we kind of know the answer for Manson. Just considering their body type, build and looks.

It may be a little hard to make that judgement call now because it's next to impossible to see past the hainess crimes they've committed. Nevertheless, its interestingly disturbing.

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