, Carelessness Is Their Priority

In this technology driven world we all live in, many people pay for technological services in order to keep up with the world we live in. When those services error out or become unavailable, it can literally put our worlds on hold until those services resume. We put our trust in companies like to provide us those specific services.

What happens when those services become unavailable? How does the company you've entrusted respond? How do they step up to reassure you?

I can answer those questions for… they don't care.

hostgator logo,, customer services, bad service, consumer, cory blaze,,
This is a personal recount of my most recent experience with I noticed a huge drop in numbers on my HostGator hosted site. It raised a huge concern for me. When I looked more into the details as to why the performance numbers were so low, I learned that HostGators awstats server malfunctioned. I reached out to HostGator in the only way you can contact them for support issues… I submitted "a ticket".

The "ticket" was handled within 24 hours, but resulted in an emailed response of "you're screwed there's nothing we can do. Sorry for the inconvenience". I immediately reached out via phone to push the matter. Again the same "ess happens" response.It's absolutely amazing how these companies are so quick to sell you their product but when it fails they can give a rats ass about how it effects the PAYING customer.

I called three times on their 866 number with a total of 45.4 minutes of waisted invested talk time. They could have cared less that their malfunction is going to cost me and effect my ability to market my site. None of their phone agents are remotely interested in resolving a problem. Furthermore, two of their agents disconnected my call resulting in having to call back twice and wait on hold. I would estimate 40 minutes of my total time on the phone was on hold.

When finally speaking with a "supervisor" it was explained that they have VOIP phones. Who gives a flying crap what type of phone system you have. I'm a PAYING CUSTOMER YOU ASSHATS, your EFF up has just cost me hundreds of dollars! And the inability of your representatives to work a phone really drives home my concern. can kiss my ass. I do not recommend them. I will begin the process of removing my services from a company who doesn't give a steamy-crap about the people who keep their damn doors open and their families fed. Nevermind my inability to sell because I don't have accurate performance numbers for an entire effing month!

Pull your head our of your ass and realize that when your customers experience a problem that your unstable servers cause, maybe having a little more compassion for the problem and training your phone staff to care, goes a lot further than just offering a $14 credit. Customer service is 1000% more effective than credits in certain cases, this being one.

I'm open to host site suggestions. Email me directly at

Note: is not hosted by HostGator nor will it ever!

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