A Naked World

Maybe its just me, but is everyone willing to get naked now?

This question arises from surfing the web and happened to come across some adult entertainment. I spent a moment on the site, well maybe a few moments, and looked at the endless number of people involved in these sites. I flipped over to another site, tens of thousands of different people. Went to another site, more people never seeing the same one twice. This brought me to my thought… is the entire world naked?

According to census.gov there are 7.046 billion people on this big blue planet. One site alone had over a million different videos with different people from all over the world. Of course some were repeats but that's just one site. Yes, there are your staple "celebrity" porn stars out there but I'm talking just amateur entertainment. It seems like every other college student in America has flopped his wanker or uncrossed her legs in front of a camera and it was posted to the Internet. Adult entertainment is also not just for the pretty people any more. There's ug-gos with uglier-gos.

I reached out to a webmaster/producer of an amateur porn site. They asked to remain anonymous. But quoted "within 22 years in the industry I have seen over 10.5 million different models from all over the world". That's insane and that's just one site!

How soon will it be before you spot someone you know involved on one of these sites? Creepy… yet slightly intriguing. This was my observation, I'll allow you to conduct your own.

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