Pregnant Mom Kicked Off Bus

Good morning American reported the story about the Seattle woman, Nichole Hakimian, being asked to exit a city bus because her one year olds diaper was ripe and offending other passengers.

Like always the women's movement is moving again. Everyone is up in arms about this woman and other women in the past getting asked to exit a city bus because of their kids. I understand kids are unpredictable and it's a challenge traveling with kids. But I'm going to blow all kinds of holes in this particular story, because you know this woman is going to sue the city (like Seattle needs another lawsuit).

Nichole Hakimian, good morning america, kicked off bus, mom, baby, woman, cory blaze,
Look at this woman, Nichole Hakimian, a little closer. She's four months pregnant with a one year old. Obviously she's not a very bright woman, any doctor would suggest 18-24 months before becoming pregnant again after having a baby.

Where is the father of either baby? He probably left her ass for making stupid decisions. $100 says her two babies don't have the same father, in the video I saw no wedding ring. Anyone outraged at that? Hmmm.

Furthermore, she was kicked off the bus and had to walk to the babies doctors appointment. First off, it wasn't an emergency doctor visit- if it was, 911 should have been called. Secondly, the woman is a bit chubby and that ain't all pregnancy weight folks. Walking probably not her strong point.

I can almost reenact for you what actually happened. Nichole and her son were in their apartment getting ready to leave for the doctors appointment. Nichole had just uploaded a picture of her son to her facebook page and had to thank everyone for commenting how cute he was. Nichole noticed the time for the bus was quickly approaching so she grabbed the baby and headed for the door. Once she locked the door, she smelled the familiar stench of baby crap. She ignored it. Got to the bus stop, got on the bus and her lazy non-diaper changing ass got kicked off the bus and had to walk.

A respectful mother would have stopped, changed the baby, then headed to the bus. Nichole was lazy, point blank. She new the babies diaper was soiled and wanted to deal with it at the doctors office. Anyone else would have torn that growler filled diaper off the baby at the bus stop, changed him, then got on the bus and this would not be an issue. Instead every woman's lib movement now has something to fire up the ovaries for.

This is a bad choice by an expecting mom, not a bus system bullying a pregnant woman.

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