Fans Gone Wild

I've been to many sporting events where the atmosphere is so charged you just want to jump out of your skin, while in your head the voice of R. Lee Ermey is yelling "get in there! get your ass in the game". If you react to that imaginary voice, you run the risk of never seeing another sporting event in that venue.

sports, streaker, uber fan, baseball, naked guy, cory blaze,, fatguyradioshow
Some fans have, quote "gone to far". Is it worth a lifetime ban from the venue though?

Understanding player safety is important and the safety of the fans, but when you're that uber fan that gets caught up in the moment after one too many Bud Lights, I feel there should be some leniency for first offenders.

Consider this, if the fan is close enough to have access to the court/field, they've paid some pretty good money. Its highly unlikely some eight dollar ticket holding rube from the noise bleed section will make his way down to the field, jump the rails, strip and take the field. In Chase Field here in Phoenix, you can't gain access to field seats without having a ticket to prove you belong in the area.

Heres' my proposal, because I like seeing the uber fans storm the field. It should always be discouraged to do. But in the rare event it does happen, the person should be caught and fined. Maybe even a night or two in jail for trespassing, but I don't think there should be a lifetime ban issued.

That guy or chick that stormed the field, if they didn't attack a player and no one was hurt - no lifetime ban. If they run on the court/field and come in contact with any player, then maybe a lifetime ban. However, if the uber fan is caught more than once storming any court/field in the US then the lifetime ban can come into play.

I don't feel the uber fan should be so severely punished. Trust me, spending a night or two in jail is a lot easier than never being able to see another home game! Besides, we're all just a fans!

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