Have a safe Halloween, from AfterTheLevels a blog by Cory Blaze
a blog by Cory Blaze host of Arizona's newest radio show FatGuyRadioShow on fatguyradioshow.com. he says what you're thinking but afraid to say. free speech rocks.
TNT Is The CNN of NBA Coverage
If I had one wish it would be that TNT with Ernie, Kenny, Shaq & Charles cover every nationally broadcast NBA game for all times. TNT is doing it right!
How is TNT doing it right? They are allowing their analysts to analyze the game in a non bias way. Other sports networks like ESPN would take a Lakers loss and make it a victim story or give the Lakers an excuse for loosing. The guys on TNT will say out of the mouths, "the Lakers sucked tonight" or "Kobe wasn't on his game". That's what I appreciate about the NBA on TNT show. There's no favor given to the elite teams, if an elite team dropped a game they could have won I can almost guarentee someone on TNT will make that clear. (my monies on Sir. Charles)
TNT is like the CNN of the NBA, their right down the middle. Not leaning to one side or the other. Just reporting the facts with the opinion of most vocalized.
I must be very impressed by TNT, often their ripping my team, the Phoenix Suns, a new one. However, I can respect that because they do it fairly to every NBA team.
Hats off to TNT and their producers, for allowing Ernie, Kenny "the Jet" Smith, Shaq and Sir Charles Barkely to commentate NBA games the way they should be commentated!
How is TNT doing it right? They are allowing their analysts to analyze the game in a non bias way. Other sports networks like ESPN would take a Lakers loss and make it a victim story or give the Lakers an excuse for loosing. The guys on TNT will say out of the mouths, "the Lakers sucked tonight" or "Kobe wasn't on his game". That's what I appreciate about the NBA on TNT show. There's no favor given to the elite teams, if an elite team dropped a game they could have won I can almost guarentee someone on TNT will make that clear. (my monies on Sir. Charles)
TNT is like the CNN of the NBA, their right down the middle. Not leaning to one side or the other. Just reporting the facts with the opinion of most vocalized.
I must be very impressed by TNT, often their ripping my team, the Phoenix Suns, a new one. However, I can respect that because they do it fairly to every NBA team.
Hats off to TNT and their producers, for allowing Ernie, Kenny "the Jet" Smith, Shaq and Sir Charles Barkely to commentate NBA games the way they should be commentated!
Michael Beasley Hopes to Find Home with Suns
He was the No. 2 overall pick in the NBA's 2008 draft, his talent regarded highly enough that some questioned whether he should have actually been taken first ahead of Derrick Rose. Some 4½ years later, Michael Beasley understands the perception of him has changed.
"I know the public sees me as a monster," Beasley told Yahoo! Sports. "That is what the media paints me as. But I'm me, a monster to some, a nice guy to some, a great father to four, a son, a brother just like everybody. What the media thinks or perceives me as, is not my concern. I'm just doing what I got to do to, first, help the team, second, help myself.
"Five years in, I'm nowhere near where I thought or wanted myself to be. I don't have anyone to blame that on but myself. All I can do is look forward. On the court, off the court, I'm in a better space, better state of mind – the right track so to speak."
The Phoenix Suns can only hope. They signed Beasley to a three-year, $18 million contract in the summer, banking on the belief he's matured enough to provide a good return on their investment. Beasley has made headlines in his first four NBA seasons, but most often for his behavior away from the court.
Happy Birthday Bob Ross
Sitting at a table covered in glue, paint and dried colored tissue paper in a small classroom at Dunbar Elementary School in downtown Phoenix. My teacher, Mrs. Dixie Parrish, wheel in a large TV that was strapped down to a tall cart. On the shelf of the cart sat a VHS player. In the VHS player was a video of Bob Ross. Why? Because today was arts and crafts day and we were going to learn how to paint trees.
Today the world celebrates the birthday of Bob Ross. Known in America as an artist, but known to me as the big haired tree guy.
I recall sitting in that classroom and when the big tube TV and VCR was wheeled into the room I knew that soft spoken big pouffy hair'd guy was going to teach us how to paint. He would use oil paint and water colors. It was one of the most memorable moments of my childhood.
At the end of the day, my teacher would take us back into the arts and crafts classroom to get our paintings that were drying under a wood clothes-pin tied to a cotton string that stretched across the classroom. I would take my painting with pride, run home to beg my mother to put it up on the wall so everyone could see what Bob Ross taught me to do. There was even a time in my young life I wanted to be a painter because of Bob Ross.
My mother, to this day, has a painting in her files that I painted on arts and crafts day after watching Bob Ross. I was only in the 4th grade.
Happy Birthday Bob Ross, thanks for all the great memories of watching with baited breath as to what all those colors were going to be. You painted the world, one stroke at a time.
Today the world celebrates the birthday of Bob Ross. Known in America as an artist, but known to me as the big haired tree guy.
I recall sitting in that classroom and when the big tube TV and VCR was wheeled into the room I knew that soft spoken big pouffy hair'd guy was going to teach us how to paint. He would use oil paint and water colors. It was one of the most memorable moments of my childhood.
At the end of the day, my teacher would take us back into the arts and crafts classroom to get our paintings that were drying under a wood clothes-pin tied to a cotton string that stretched across the classroom. I would take my painting with pride, run home to beg my mother to put it up on the wall so everyone could see what Bob Ross taught me to do. There was even a time in my young life I wanted to be a painter because of Bob Ross.
My mother, to this day, has a painting in her files that I painted on arts and crafts day after watching Bob Ross. I was only in the 4th grade.
Happy Birthday Bob Ross, thanks for all the great memories of watching with baited breath as to what all those colors were going to be. You painted the world, one stroke at a time.
Donald Trumps Big Obama Annoucement
Donald Trumps big President Obama's announcement was he wants school records? Couldn't he just send the president an email with that request.
Has the Trumpsters career gotten this low? He went on a media tour about this big breaking story about the President of the United States just to say "I want his school records and passport".
Boy I bet Mitt Romney is excited he has Trump supporting him. What a get! If Mitt embraces people like Trump its obvious Mitt is not right for this country.
I really hope that this was the nail in the coffin. Not only was this announcement an embarrassment to Trump, he embarrassed every news media outlet that had a rage'r in their pants about what Trump had to say. Trump would have been better off releasing a fake nude picture of Justin Bieber.
When do we say enough is enough as Americans? When do we stop allowing these kinds of people to yoyo with our lives, time and money?
I'll say this, if Obama makes any reference to this vapid idiot Donald Trump's stunt; outside of a passing joke, Mr. President will loose my respect as quickly as Donald did.
Take that $5 million Trump and go away forever. This country doesn't need you any more, denounce your citizenship and go. You're one of the reasons the rest of the world laughs at us.
Has the Trumpsters career gotten this low? He went on a media tour about this big breaking story about the President of the United States just to say "I want his school records and passport".
Boy I bet Mitt Romney is excited he has Trump supporting him. What a get! If Mitt embraces people like Trump its obvious Mitt is not right for this country.
I really hope that this was the nail in the coffin. Not only was this announcement an embarrassment to Trump, he embarrassed every news media outlet that had a rage'r in their pants about what Trump had to say. Trump would have been better off releasing a fake nude picture of Justin Bieber.
When do we say enough is enough as Americans? When do we stop allowing these kinds of people to yoyo with our lives, time and money?
I'll say this, if Obama makes any reference to this vapid idiot Donald Trump's stunt; outside of a passing joke, Mr. President will loose my respect as quickly as Donald did.
Take that $5 million Trump and go away forever. This country doesn't need you any more, denounce your citizenship and go. You're one of the reasons the rest of the world laughs at us.
HostGator.com, Carelessness Is Their Priority
In this technology driven world we all live in, many people pay for technological services in order to keep up with the world we live in. When those services error out or become unavailable, it can literally put our worlds on hold until those services resume. We put our trust in companies like HostGator.com to provide us those specific services.
What happens when those services become unavailable? How does the company you've entrusted respond? How do they step up to reassure you?
I can answer those questions for HostGators.com… they don't care.
This is a personal recount of my most recent experience with HostGator.com. I noticed a huge drop in numbers on my HostGator hosted site. It raised a huge concern for me. When I looked more into the details as to why the performance numbers were so low, I learned that HostGators awstats server malfunctioned. I reached out to HostGator in the only way you can contact them for support issues… I submitted "a ticket".
The "ticket" was handled within 24 hours, but resulted in an emailed response of "you're screwed there's nothing we can do. Sorry for the inconvenience". I immediately reached out via phone to push the matter. Again the same "ess happens" response.It's absolutely amazing how these companies are so quick to sell you their product but when it fails they can give a rats ass about how it effects the PAYING customer.
I called HostGator.com three times on their 866 number with a total of 45.4 minutes of waisted invested talk time. They could have cared less that their malfunction is going to cost me and effect my ability to market my site. None of their phone agents are remotely interested in resolving a problem. Furthermore, two of their agents disconnected my call resulting in having to call back twice and wait on hold. I would estimate 40 minutes of my total time on the phone was on hold.
When finally speaking with a "supervisor" it was explained that they have VOIP phones. Who gives a flying crap what type of phone system you have. I'm a PAYING CUSTOMER YOU ASSHATS, your EFF up has just cost me hundreds of dollars! And the inability of your representatives to work a phone really drives home my concern.
HostGator.com can kiss my ass. I do not recommend them. I will begin the process of removing my services from a company who doesn't give a steamy-crap about the people who keep their damn doors open and their families fed. Nevermind my inability to sell because I don't have accurate performance numbers for an entire effing month!
Pull your head our of your ass HostGator.com and realize that when your customers experience a problem that your unstable servers cause, maybe having a little more compassion for the problem and training your phone staff to care, goes a lot further than just offering a $14 credit. Customer service is 1000% more effective than credits in certain cases, this being one.
I'm open to host site suggestions. Email me directly at afterthelevelsblog@gmail.com
Note: AfterTheLevels.com is not hosted by HostGator nor will it ever!
What happens when those services become unavailable? How does the company you've entrusted respond? How do they step up to reassure you?
I can answer those questions for HostGators.com… they don't care.
This is a personal recount of my most recent experience with HostGator.com. I noticed a huge drop in numbers on my HostGator hosted site. It raised a huge concern for me. When I looked more into the details as to why the performance numbers were so low, I learned that HostGators awstats server malfunctioned. I reached out to HostGator in the only way you can contact them for support issues… I submitted "a ticket".
The "ticket" was handled within 24 hours, but resulted in an emailed response of "you're screwed there's nothing we can do. Sorry for the inconvenience". I immediately reached out via phone to push the matter. Again the same "ess happens" response.It's absolutely amazing how these companies are so quick to sell you their product but when it fails they can give a rats ass about how it effects the PAYING customer.
I called HostGator.com three times on their 866 number with a total of 45.4 minutes of waisted invested talk time. They could have cared less that their malfunction is going to cost me and effect my ability to market my site. None of their phone agents are remotely interested in resolving a problem. Furthermore, two of their agents disconnected my call resulting in having to call back twice and wait on hold. I would estimate 40 minutes of my total time on the phone was on hold.
When finally speaking with a "supervisor" it was explained that they have VOIP phones. Who gives a flying crap what type of phone system you have. I'm a PAYING CUSTOMER YOU ASSHATS, your EFF up has just cost me hundreds of dollars! And the inability of your representatives to work a phone really drives home my concern.
HostGator.com can kiss my ass. I do not recommend them. I will begin the process of removing my services from a company who doesn't give a steamy-crap about the people who keep their damn doors open and their families fed. Nevermind my inability to sell because I don't have accurate performance numbers for an entire effing month!
Pull your head our of your ass HostGator.com and realize that when your customers experience a problem that your unstable servers cause, maybe having a little more compassion for the problem and training your phone staff to care, goes a lot further than just offering a $14 credit. Customer service is 1000% more effective than credits in certain cases, this being one.
I'm open to host site suggestions. Email me directly at afterthelevelsblog@gmail.com
Note: AfterTheLevels.com is not hosted by HostGator nor will it ever!
Men, Hiding Your Gut
Something every out of shape guy dreams of doing with out the hassle of going to the gym.
I'm sharing this video from Yahoo because it covers a topic I'm sure many men deal with daily, but for the record San Soder is not a realistic depiction of the normal american male. He probabaly say 10-15 pounds away from being considered healthy and his "gut" in this video is all of 1/2 and inch over his belt. Not the best example Sam, but something many men deal with.
**I hate autoplay videos, so I'm attempting to upload it in another way. Meantime, here's the link- hiding your gut
Personally, I'm going with the $60 man-girdle, you can get on Amazon. I'll deal with the pain to have the smooth look.
I'm sharing this video from Yahoo because it covers a topic I'm sure many men deal with daily, but for the record San Soder is not a realistic depiction of the normal american male. He probabaly say 10-15 pounds away from being considered healthy and his "gut" in this video is all of 1/2 and inch over his belt. Not the best example Sam, but something many men deal with.
**I hate autoplay videos, so I'm attempting to upload it in another way. Meantime, here's the link- hiding your gut
The Flu Bru-Ha Ha
Every one's heard of the tragic story about the 17 year old basketball player passing away from the flu in January 2011. Well the story has now resurfaced amid the beginning of influenza season. Circumstantial, maybe.
Allow me to set the tone, I'm not a supporter of the flu shot. I have gotten it and my flu symptoms were double what they were when I didn't get the shot. I believe the flu shot is a money making scare tactic, period.
Do I believe the flu can kill people? Yes. Many virus today can lead to death. Do I believe the flu shot protects you from getting the flu? No.
What many people don't realize is the flu shot is essentially a deadened microorganism containing the influenza virus. The dead virus is injected into your system with the intention on creating enough antibodies to stave off the live virus. Source
In some documented cases the virus reactivated itself after being injected resulting in the person getting the flu 10x's worst than contracting it from a door knob. One case from 2005 suggest a completely different disease developed after the flu shot was administered. Source
I think it's a bunch of malarkey. I know hundreds of people that have never gotten a flu shot their entire life's. They range in age from 9 to 53 years old, and they are all going strong. I'm sorry, it's fear.
If you choose to get the shot, get it. But I think its bull crap to force people to get the shot based solely on fear tactics. Besides, the flu isn't some new outbreak thing… it happens every season. I can understand the urgency, if every season the world population dwindled from the flu. Remember how devastating the H1N1 outbreak was… oh wait. [face]
Here's a worthwhile workaround; how about you wash your nasty ass hands all the time and maybe teach your dirty ass kids to be clean. That might help, verses the $35-$150 flu shots.
Allow me to set the tone, I'm not a supporter of the flu shot. I have gotten it and my flu symptoms were double what they were when I didn't get the shot. I believe the flu shot is a money making scare tactic, period.
Do I believe the flu can kill people? Yes. Many virus today can lead to death. Do I believe the flu shot protects you from getting the flu? No.
What many people don't realize is the flu shot is essentially a deadened microorganism containing the influenza virus. The dead virus is injected into your system with the intention on creating enough antibodies to stave off the live virus. Source
In some documented cases the virus reactivated itself after being injected resulting in the person getting the flu 10x's worst than contracting it from a door knob. One case from 2005 suggest a completely different disease developed after the flu shot was administered. Source
I think it's a bunch of malarkey. I know hundreds of people that have never gotten a flu shot their entire life's. They range in age from 9 to 53 years old, and they are all going strong. I'm sorry, it's fear.
If you choose to get the shot, get it. But I think its bull crap to force people to get the shot based solely on fear tactics. Besides, the flu isn't some new outbreak thing… it happens every season. I can understand the urgency, if every season the world population dwindled from the flu. Remember how devastating the H1N1 outbreak was… oh wait. [face]
Here's a worthwhile workaround; how about you wash your nasty ass hands all the time and maybe teach your dirty ass kids to be clean. That might help, verses the $35-$150 flu shots.
Pregnant Mom Kicked Off Bus
Good morning American reported the story about the Seattle woman, Nichole Hakimian, being asked to exit a city bus because her one year olds diaper was ripe and offending other passengers.
Like always the women's movement is moving again. Everyone is up in arms about this woman and other women in the past getting asked to exit a city bus because of their kids. I understand kids are unpredictable and it's a challenge traveling with kids. But I'm going to blow all kinds of holes in this particular story, because you know this woman is going to sue the city (like Seattle needs another lawsuit).
Look at this woman, Nichole Hakimian, a little closer. She's four months pregnant with a one year old. Obviously she's not a very bright woman, any doctor would suggest 18-24 months before becoming pregnant again after having a baby.
Where is the father of either baby? He probably left her ass for making stupid decisions. $100 says her two babies don't have the same father, in the video I saw no wedding ring. Anyone outraged at that? Hmmm.
Furthermore, she was kicked off the bus and had to walk to the babies doctors appointment. First off, it wasn't an emergency doctor visit- if it was, 911 should have been called. Secondly, the woman is a bit chubby and that ain't all pregnancy weight folks. Walking probably not her strong point.
I can almost reenact for you what actually happened. Nichole and her son were in their apartment getting ready to leave for the doctors appointment. Nichole had just uploaded a picture of her son to her facebook page and had to thank everyone for commenting how cute he was. Nichole noticed the time for the bus was quickly approaching so she grabbed the baby and headed for the door. Once she locked the door, she smelled the familiar stench of baby crap. She ignored it. Got to the bus stop, got on the bus and her lazy non-diaper changing ass got kicked off the bus and had to walk.
A respectful mother would have stopped, changed the baby, then headed to the bus. Nichole was lazy, point blank. She new the babies diaper was soiled and wanted to deal with it at the doctors office. Anyone else would have torn that growler filled diaper off the baby at the bus stop, changed him, then got on the bus and this would not be an issue. Instead every woman's lib movement now has something to fire up the ovaries for.
This is a bad choice by an expecting mom, not a bus system bullying a pregnant woman.
Like always the women's movement is moving again. Everyone is up in arms about this woman and other women in the past getting asked to exit a city bus because of their kids. I understand kids are unpredictable and it's a challenge traveling with kids. But I'm going to blow all kinds of holes in this particular story, because you know this woman is going to sue the city (like Seattle needs another lawsuit).
Look at this woman, Nichole Hakimian, a little closer. She's four months pregnant with a one year old. Obviously she's not a very bright woman, any doctor would suggest 18-24 months before becoming pregnant again after having a baby.
Where is the father of either baby? He probably left her ass for making stupid decisions. $100 says her two babies don't have the same father, in the video I saw no wedding ring. Anyone outraged at that? Hmmm.
Furthermore, she was kicked off the bus and had to walk to the babies doctors appointment. First off, it wasn't an emergency doctor visit- if it was, 911 should have been called. Secondly, the woman is a bit chubby and that ain't all pregnancy weight folks. Walking probably not her strong point.
I can almost reenact for you what actually happened. Nichole and her son were in their apartment getting ready to leave for the doctors appointment. Nichole had just uploaded a picture of her son to her facebook page and had to thank everyone for commenting how cute he was. Nichole noticed the time for the bus was quickly approaching so she grabbed the baby and headed for the door. Once she locked the door, she smelled the familiar stench of baby crap. She ignored it. Got to the bus stop, got on the bus and her lazy non-diaper changing ass got kicked off the bus and had to walk.
A respectful mother would have stopped, changed the baby, then headed to the bus. Nichole was lazy, point blank. She new the babies diaper was soiled and wanted to deal with it at the doctors office. Anyone else would have torn that growler filled diaper off the baby at the bus stop, changed him, then got on the bus and this would not be an issue. Instead every woman's lib movement now has something to fire up the ovaries for.
This is a bad choice by an expecting mom, not a bus system bullying a pregnant woman.
On The Next FatGuyRadioShow; The HodgeTwins
We welcome YouTube sensations Keith and Kevin Hodge who make up the HodgeTwins on the next FatGuyRadioShow. This Saturday. Listen on fatguyradioshow.com or subscribe through iTunes.
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Fans Gone Wild
I've been to many sporting events where the atmosphere is so charged you just want to jump out of your skin, while in your head the voice of R. Lee Ermey is yelling "get in there! get your ass in the game". If you react to that imaginary voice, you run the risk of never seeing another sporting event in that venue.
Some fans have, quote "gone to far". Is it worth a lifetime ban from the venue though?
Understanding player safety is important and the safety of the fans, but when you're that uber fan that gets caught up in the moment after one too many Bud Lights, I feel there should be some leniency for first offenders.
Consider this, if the fan is close enough to have access to the court/field, they've paid some pretty good money. Its highly unlikely some eight dollar ticket holding rube from the noise bleed section will make his way down to the field, jump the rails, strip and take the field. In Chase Field here in Phoenix, you can't gain access to field seats without having a ticket to prove you belong in the area.
Heres' my proposal, because I like seeing the uber fans storm the field. It should always be discouraged to do. But in the rare event it does happen, the person should be caught and fined. Maybe even a night or two in jail for trespassing, but I don't think there should be a lifetime ban issued.
That guy or chick that stormed the field, if they didn't attack a player and no one was hurt - no lifetime ban. If they run on the court/field and come in contact with any player, then maybe a lifetime ban. However, if the uber fan is caught more than once storming any court/field in the US then the lifetime ban can come into play.
I don't feel the uber fan should be so severely punished. Trust me, spending a night or two in jail is a lot easier than never being able to see another home game! Besides, we're all just a fans!
Some fans have, quote "gone to far". Is it worth a lifetime ban from the venue though?
Understanding player safety is important and the safety of the fans, but when you're that uber fan that gets caught up in the moment after one too many Bud Lights, I feel there should be some leniency for first offenders.
Consider this, if the fan is close enough to have access to the court/field, they've paid some pretty good money. Its highly unlikely some eight dollar ticket holding rube from the noise bleed section will make his way down to the field, jump the rails, strip and take the field. In Chase Field here in Phoenix, you can't gain access to field seats without having a ticket to prove you belong in the area.
Heres' my proposal, because I like seeing the uber fans storm the field. It should always be discouraged to do. But in the rare event it does happen, the person should be caught and fined. Maybe even a night or two in jail for trespassing, but I don't think there should be a lifetime ban issued.
That guy or chick that stormed the field, if they didn't attack a player and no one was hurt - no lifetime ban. If they run on the court/field and come in contact with any player, then maybe a lifetime ban. However, if the uber fan is caught more than once storming any court/field in the US then the lifetime ban can come into play.
I don't feel the uber fan should be so severely punished. Trust me, spending a night or two in jail is a lot easier than never being able to see another home game! Besides, we're all just a fans!
Cosmopolitans' AZ Bachelor 2012 Finalist Eric Schroeder
Location: Phoenix
Age: 23
Job: University admissions representative
Twitter: @eric_schroeder1
In the words of his cousin who nominated him: “Eric is the type of guy a father would be thrilled to see his daughter end up with.”
Celeb crush: “Blake Lively”
Great first date: “We’ll play mini-golf then go for sushi.”
His pleasure trigger: “The cut lines on my lower abs”
What’s more important: Her O or yours? “Hers. It’s a huge turn-on when she has one.”
How long should great sex last? “An hour is perfect, and later, round two!”
Age: 23
Job: University admissions representative
Twitter: @eric_schroeder1
In the words of his cousin who nominated him: “Eric is the type of guy a father would be thrilled to see his daughter end up with.”
Celeb crush: “Blake Lively”
Great first date: “We’ll play mini-golf then go for sushi.”
His pleasure trigger: “The cut lines on my lower abs”
What’s more important: Her O or yours? “Hers. It’s a huge turn-on when she has one.”
How long should great sex last? “An hour is perfect, and later, round two!”
Enter Your Vote Now for Arizona's Most Eligible Bachelor, Eric Schroeder!
Tarnished-Silver Lining to Not Being Employed
Lots of people are out of work right now, I understand its hard. There is a tarnished-silver lining to not being gainfully employed, you no longer have to deal with that work-jerk or ass of a boss.
Do you remember that big ass of a boss you had? Or that work jerk who thought he was the selfish glue that held the company together because he stumbled upon something that saved the company thousands of dollars 10 years ago, yet he continues to ride that gravy train?
Better yet, what about the boss with the trust issues that eerily creeps around your workstation wall wondering if your sending an email to HR about his blatant favoritism with one female employee?
How about the boss that took every idea you ever had and made it his own? Or the higher-up that directed you to perform a task even though you don't have the resources to accurately perform the task so when you fail the higher-up can make a case for your incompetence.
Do you miss these kinds of people? They still exist out there and they are getting worse! These ass hat people in the workplace have it in their minds that you need to work, so they can treat you however the damn well please because if buck back in any way you're out on your ass.
And this folks is why we have so many people going into workplaces and filling them full of lead.
Do you still miss these kinds of people?
Do you remember that big ass of a boss you had? Or that work jerk who thought he was the selfish glue that held the company together because he stumbled upon something that saved the company thousands of dollars 10 years ago, yet he continues to ride that gravy train?
Better yet, what about the boss with the trust issues that eerily creeps around your workstation wall wondering if your sending an email to HR about his blatant favoritism with one female employee?
How about the boss that took every idea you ever had and made it his own? Or the higher-up that directed you to perform a task even though you don't have the resources to accurately perform the task so when you fail the higher-up can make a case for your incompetence.
Do you miss these kinds of people? They still exist out there and they are getting worse! These ass hat people in the workplace have it in their minds that you need to work, so they can treat you however the damn well please because if buck back in any way you're out on your ass.
And this folks is why we have so many people going into workplaces and filling them full of lead.
Do you still miss these kinds of people?
It's 10/11/12, Congrats You Can Count to 12
Today is 10/11/12 yeah! Congratulations we can all count to 12.
I know people make big deals about calendar days that line up like this and it only happens once in many life times, but what's the big deal? It's just another day. Nothing special.
I won't rain on your "special day" but just get ahold of yourselves. You're telling everyone that you can put numbers in a sequence.
Hooray for you… that was sarcasm.
I know people make big deals about calendar days that line up like this and it only happens once in many life times, but what's the big deal? It's just another day. Nothing special.
I won't rain on your "special day" but just get ahold of yourselves. You're telling everyone that you can put numbers in a sequence.
Hooray for you… that was sarcasm.
Text Messy-ing
This post is going to make me sound like an old fart, but nothing irritates me more other than getting a text message that I have to respond to with… "what?"
"BRB", "LOL", "smh", I understand. But when you create your own text message language that no one else can understand how the hell do expect to communicate with the rest of the species?
Text messaging is the latest form in communication. Pretty soon doctors will no longer diagnosis us with having laryngitis because eventually the art of speaking will cease to exist. But I digress.
Use text messaging, no problem… just text a language we all understand here on earth. I shouldn't need a decoder ring to read a text… even though decoder rings are cool!
"BRB", "LOL", "smh", I understand. But when you create your own text message language that no one else can understand how the hell do expect to communicate with the rest of the species?
Text messaging is the latest form in communication. Pretty soon doctors will no longer diagnosis us with having laryngitis because eventually the art of speaking will cease to exist. But I digress.
Use text messaging, no problem… just text a language we all understand here on earth. I shouldn't need a decoder ring to read a text… even though decoder rings are cool!
National Coming Out Day
Today is national Coming Out Day, and the Daily Dose has a question: Can you handle it? If you are lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender, are you ready to come out to someone you trust? And if you're straight, can you handle sharing the country with someone unlike yourself?
It's going to take both to narrow the cultural divide of a nation that pledges to be indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.
Coming Out Day has its roots in the historic March on washing for Lesbian and Gay Rights on Oct. 11, 1987, when half a million people demonstrated in the capital and the AIDS memorial quilt was unveiled. Closet doors were flung open for many people on that day, and in its wake dozens of support organization have been founded and resources established.
It's going to take both to narrow the cultural divide of a nation that pledges to be indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.
Coming Out Day has its roots in the historic March on washing for Lesbian and Gay Rights on Oct. 11, 1987, when half a million people demonstrated in the capital and the AIDS memorial quilt was unveiled. Closet doors were flung open for many people on that day, and in its wake dozens of support organization have been founded and resources established.
Justin Bieber Reports Theft From Believe Tour Venue.. Hmm?
Justin Bieber takes to his facebook page to call out a couple of items stolen from a venue. Justin is currently on his Believe Tour around the country and Canada. In Justin's facebook posting he mentions a camera and a computer. Hmm?
I call shenanigans Justin! Ladies and gentlemen what does this have the making of… wait for it… wait for it… DING DING DING
What else happens when any celebrity looses an item like a camera or a computer? Get ready world because it's coming. I can smell it now.
This hurts to write because I'm a Justin Bieber fan, but he hasn't been in the media a lot lately and I'm not really sure how his tour tickets are selling. Nor has he been featured in any big promotions lately. Is this contrived?
Oh Justin, I hope you're not sinking to the level of other celebrities that think because you're not on the opening reel of TMZ or Entertainment Tonight your star is fading. Not true Justin. Please stay classy. If not for yourself, do it for those millions of fans under the age of 18.
I call shenanigans Justin! Ladies and gentlemen what does this have the making of… wait for it… wait for it… DING DING DING
a sex tape or nude photos being leaked to the media!
What else happens when any celebrity looses an item like a camera or a computer? Get ready world because it's coming. I can smell it now.
This hurts to write because I'm a Justin Bieber fan, but he hasn't been in the media a lot lately and I'm not really sure how his tour tickets are selling. Nor has he been featured in any big promotions lately. Is this contrived?
Oh Justin, I hope you're not sinking to the level of other celebrities that think because you're not on the opening reel of TMZ or Entertainment Tonight your star is fading. Not true Justin. Please stay classy. If not for yourself, do it for those millions of fans under the age of 18.
The Ugliest Political Campaigning Ever
The 2012 Presidential election is in just a handful of weeks and the campaigning, especially in key states, is turning very ugly… from both parties.
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Not Obama Not Romney Cartoon by Daryl Cagle / MSNBC. |
One important thing I liked about President Obama when running for office in 2008, he refused to play dirty. Obama campaigned on the premise of change and one change was no dirt throwing or slander. I feel he held up to that, to a certain point.
Now that Obama is up against Mitt Romney, or should I say up against Mitt Romneys money, it's a drag out dirty-dog alley fight! Watching Monday night football this past Monday I saw an Obama ad followed immediately by a Romney/Ryan ad. Both ads were just slamming the other guy. "he said he'll do this", "well, he doesn't understand this", and bla bla lie lie!
I don't know how you feel, but if this is how these two act running for office how will they act when they get in it? It's embarrassing to the country they both claim to love. A battle is not always won by the person with the bigger gun, sometimes a defeat is a win perpetrating as courage.
This presidential race has become two notches above school hallway bullying. We are showing America's future this is how you win, you trash the other guy. Genius right?
Whatever happened to being civilized and understanding your strong points and making that the basis of success? Verses spotlighting and dancing on the short falls of your opponent.
I have less respect for both of these men running for president and I'm not afraid to say it. My father taught me about being a man, and being a man includes taking the high road even though its the road less traveled.
90-Day Probation Period; Ancient Business?
You've been in the job market for sometime now. Finally you get a call for an interview and you land the job. The excitement you feel is great, until you start day one.
You walk in to the human resources office to fill out your employment packet. Contained in the packet is a disclosure that requires your signature. It's a 90 day probationary disclosure. Meaning you have 90 days to prove yourself or you're out the door.
In many new hire minds this pressure alone will cause the 90 day failure.
Is the 90 day probation period ancient business practice?
Many new hires are walking into a position where the person that vacated the position may had been in the position a very long time. With that preceding the new hire, the pressure to match up to the previous persons years of performance in nearly unmatchable.
Or the new hire may replace someone that wasn't doing the job properly and was let go. Resulting in the hiring manager being very bias and having an extremely high expectation.
It's nearly impossible to prove yourself in 90 days in any environment let alone a workplace. Employers need to be better at hiring the right person, as not to waist company money training someone that won't make it to day 91. And new hires should be better at selling their strengths in an interview, as not to get a job they can't handle.
If you expect someone to prove themself in 90 days, then the employers should be willing to accept a new employee cannot rebuild what took years to tare down.
You walk in to the human resources office to fill out your employment packet. Contained in the packet is a disclosure that requires your signature. It's a 90 day probationary disclosure. Meaning you have 90 days to prove yourself or you're out the door.
In many new hire minds this pressure alone will cause the 90 day failure.
Is the 90 day probation period ancient business practice?
Many new hires are walking into a position where the person that vacated the position may had been in the position a very long time. With that preceding the new hire, the pressure to match up to the previous persons years of performance in nearly unmatchable.
Or the new hire may replace someone that wasn't doing the job properly and was let go. Resulting in the hiring manager being very bias and having an extremely high expectation.
It's nearly impossible to prove yourself in 90 days in any environment let alone a workplace. Employers need to be better at hiring the right person, as not to waist company money training someone that won't make it to day 91. And new hires should be better at selling their strengths in an interview, as not to get a job they can't handle.
If you expect someone to prove themself in 90 days, then the employers should be willing to accept a new employee cannot rebuild what took years to tare down.
John Mayer & Orlando Bloom Are the Same Person
Ever notice how John Mayer and Orlando Bloom are the same person?
My producer Phillipious mentioned to me about getting a tattoo, so I went on the Internet to get some ideas on what kind of tattoos were out there and what was popular. During my search I happened upon a website that featured all male celebrity tattoos. As anyone would expect it was full of hip hop artist and NBA players. However one picture jumped out at me and it was Orlando Bloom, but I could of swore it was John Mayer I was looking at.
Low and behold, it was indeed Orlando Bloom. The similarities between John Mayer and Orlando Bloom are unremarkable. Check it out, tell me if you can tell them apart!
My producer Phillipious mentioned to me about getting a tattoo, so I went on the Internet to get some ideas on what kind of tattoos were out there and what was popular. During my search I happened upon a website that featured all male celebrity tattoos. As anyone would expect it was full of hip hop artist and NBA players. However one picture jumped out at me and it was Orlando Bloom, but I could of swore it was John Mayer I was looking at.
Low and behold, it was indeed Orlando Bloom. The similarities between John Mayer and Orlando Bloom are unremarkable. Check it out, tell me if you can tell them apart!
High Profile Murderers Are Rarely Overweight
Today I had a conversation with Israel "clean up man", the custodian for our studios and we came across the subject of high-profile serial killers. One point made was, they were never over weight at the time they killed.
We looked at some of the most infamous killers known; Charles Manson, Ted Bundy and most recently James Holmes. All these guys were average built men. None being over weight.

Neither on of us, Israel or myself, are considering committing any crimes but if we did we'd never fit the profile… we're overweight.
I would be interested to know if random women were asked if they found any of these serial killers attractive if they weren't who they became. Well we kind of know the answer for Manson. Just considering their body type, build and looks.
It may be a little hard to make that judgement call now because it's next to impossible to see past the hainess crimes they've committed. Nevertheless, its interestingly disturbing.
We looked at some of the most infamous killers known; Charles Manson, Ted Bundy and most recently James Holmes. All these guys were average built men. None being over weight.

Neither on of us, Israel or myself, are considering committing any crimes but if we did we'd never fit the profile… we're overweight.
I would be interested to know if random women were asked if they found any of these serial killers attractive if they weren't who they became. Well we kind of know the answer for Manson. Just considering their body type, build and looks.
It may be a little hard to make that judgement call now because it's next to impossible to see past the hainess crimes they've committed. Nevertheless, its interestingly disturbing.
Obama's Debate Notes Released
Of course this is not the actual debate notes, but I couldn't hold on to this its too good to not pass on.
Sent to AfterTheLevels by an active reader. Thanks for sharing.
If you feel this is offensive because you are a stanch Obama supporter… go change the constitution eliminating that part about freedom of expression then get back to me. www.afterthelevels.com

Sent to AfterTheLevels by an active reader. Thanks for sharing.
If you feel this is offensive because you are a stanch Obama supporter… go change the constitution eliminating that part about freedom of expression then get back to me. www.afterthelevels.com
Presidential Debate or a Romney Shake Down?
Like the other 67.2 million people tuning in to the 2012 Presidential Debates the drinking games started floating across the internet. I understand how childish this game is, but I was plastered in the first five minutes of the debate.
But there is another one coming up and I wanted to share the 2012 Presidential Debate drinking game. Of course play at your own risk and drink responsibly.
If I may take a moment here to express my concern for our dear president or should I say our "deer in the headlights president". What the hell happened to Obama last night? Was this a joke? Someone must of drugged our president. Who the hell was that guy?
Today on every 24 hour news station, everyone was asking those same questions. Why didn't the President Obama we have grown to love and support over the last four years show up. That subdued uptight guy on that stage last night was not President Barack Obama. It's as if Obama and Romney changed personalities. Obama was the stick in the mud and Romney was the animated-carismatic guy. I hate to say it, but Romney ran away with that debate.
Those debates last night were not the place for President Obama to freeze up and now he's forced to play his next hand very carefully because he can't come out in the next debate swinging. Then he'll look at like a bully.
I've given my prediction about the election on my talk show and after last night I'm sticking with that prediction rather I endorse it or not. Wow that was completely unexpected. Get the president a Verve Energy Drink!
New Season of Family Feud Loosens Too Much
Previous seasons of Family Feud since the Steve Harvey days consisted of an modified set with excited energetic contestants. I've always been a fan of Steve Harvey from way back in the day and continue to be a fan. What was so enjoyable about the previous seasons is Steve ran the show. He did the jokes, he controlled the families and the show was funny!
Well the new season has launched and the set was not the only thing that has changed. The families seem to be too loose on the show. They talk over Steve, deliver their own punch lines, cheer to the point of annoyance, and Steve just seems to float through the show as a mouth piece instead of the host. I'm not enjoying the new season of Family Feud with these new looser family guidelines.
This is classic example of a group of producers sitting down over the summer and dreaming up ways to advance the show. One thing about Family Feud its a show every American family wants to be on. Why? Because there is no wrong answer, it's all based on people surveyed. You're just trying to guess the opinion of the people surveyed.
The show has gotten too loose. The contestants were required in previous seasons to wear no patterned low key clothing. Now they're coming on the show with the brightest confusing patterned clothes ever, completely upstaging Steve Harvey.
Family Feud producers, tone the show back down and allow Steve Harvey to do what he does best… entertain. You have a winner hosting this show, don't let your nerdnic-brainstorms take that from him and the American people. Family Feud is one of the last family shows on TV.
But I'm loving the new HD broadcast though!
A Naked World
Maybe its just me, but is everyone willing to get naked now?
This question arises from surfing the web and happened to come across some adult entertainment. I spent a moment on the site, well maybe a few moments, and looked at the endless number of people involved in these sites. I flipped over to another site, tens of thousands of different people. Went to another site, more people never seeing the same one twice. This brought me to my thought… is the entire world naked?
According to census.gov there are 7.046 billion people on this big blue planet. One site alone had over a million different videos with different people from all over the world. Of course some were repeats but that's just one site. Yes, there are your staple "celebrity" porn stars out there but I'm talking just amateur entertainment. It seems like every other college student in America has flopped his wanker or uncrossed her legs in front of a camera and it was posted to the Internet. Adult entertainment is also not just for the pretty people any more. There's ug-gos with uglier-gos.
I reached out to a webmaster/producer of an amateur porn site. They asked to remain anonymous. But quoted "within 22 years in the industry I have seen over 10.5 million different models from all over the world". That's insane and that's just one site!
How soon will it be before you spot someone you know involved on one of these sites? Creepy… yet slightly intriguing. This was my observation, I'll allow you to conduct your own.
This question arises from surfing the web and happened to come across some adult entertainment. I spent a moment on the site, well maybe a few moments, and looked at the endless number of people involved in these sites. I flipped over to another site, tens of thousands of different people. Went to another site, more people never seeing the same one twice. This brought me to my thought… is the entire world naked?
According to census.gov there are 7.046 billion people on this big blue planet. One site alone had over a million different videos with different people from all over the world. Of course some were repeats but that's just one site. Yes, there are your staple "celebrity" porn stars out there but I'm talking just amateur entertainment. It seems like every other college student in America has flopped his wanker or uncrossed her legs in front of a camera and it was posted to the Internet. Adult entertainment is also not just for the pretty people any more. There's ug-gos with uglier-gos.
I reached out to a webmaster/producer of an amateur porn site. They asked to remain anonymous. But quoted "within 22 years in the industry I have seen over 10.5 million different models from all over the world". That's insane and that's just one site!
How soon will it be before you spot someone you know involved on one of these sites? Creepy… yet slightly intriguing. This was my observation, I'll allow you to conduct your own.
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